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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: September 2, 2022 09:59

According to the school'seabet club s "Central South University Teaching Quality Excellence Award Selection Method" (CUHK Teaching Words [2019〕129)Content,Integrated Academy's "Selection Rules for the Excellence in Teaching Quality Award for Classroom Teaching in the School of Computer Science" ,Declared by teacher、CollegeTeaching and Instruction CommitteeReviewDeliberation at the Party and Government Joint Meeting, seabet live casino website planning to recommend to the schoolGuo Kehuaetc.15Teaching Quality Excellence Award by Teachers (Undergraduate Classroom Teaching),The list is now announced,The public announcement time is2022Year9month2Sunday9month4Day.

Any individual who has objections to the recommended list,Please submit a written submission to the Academic Affairs Office with your real name during the publicity period。Tel:0731-88879226, Emailcsejwb@csu.edu.cn.

Guo Kehua  Cai Xuhui  Yu Lasheng  clock Ping  Fei Hongxiao  李小兰   Heng

Yang Wang  An ying  Liu Weiguo  Liu Xiyao  Zhao Rongchang  Zhi Guoming  Zhang Yongmin

Song Rainbow

School of Computer Science, Central South University


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