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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: June 20, 2022 16:57

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According toNotice of "Central South University 2022 Summer Camp for Outstanding College Students" and related work arrangements of the college,We are now notifying the School of Computer Science’s 2022 Summer Camp for Outstanding College Students and the centralized interview arrangements as follows:

seabet betting 1. Time arrangement

  1. Enrollment presentation:

    Time:June 23

    Method: Tencent ConferenceAdd Tencent Live Broadcast

    Tencent Live Account:https://meeting.tencent.com/l/YLrsUYUEGq3x

    8:30-8:35: Leader’s speech  

    8:35-9:00: College introduction (introducing the college situationPostgraduate enrollment, training, scholarships, employment, etc.)

    9:00-12:35:eachScientific ResearchTeam introduction

  2. Interview Assessment

    First batch time:June 30-July 1

    Second batch time:Late August-Septembershares(seabet live casino games specific time to be determined)

    2. Participants

    1. Welcome all in the Central South University enrollment management systemRegistrationandPassed the admission reviewCandidates participatedEnrollment announcement.

    2. Confirm in batchesParticipating in the interview assessmentList and will be notified later

    3. Interview and assessment

    1. Assessment method: Tencent conference interviewConference number will be notified separately

    2、Assessment subjects: Professional seabet sports betting platform ability test、Foreign language proficiency test、Comprehensive quality and ability test。The total score is the sum of the above three scores。

    Also,Assess candidates’ ideological and political performance and psychological quality,PressTwo grades of "qualified" and "unqualified",The assessment is not included in the total score。

    School of Computer Science, Central South University

                                                                                                        June 20, 2022

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of seabet online sports betting Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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