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Notice Announcement

seabet sports betting platform

Source: School of Computer Science Student Union Sports Department Click: Time: April 08, 2022 19:14

Best Online Casino Games 2024 Reporter: Chen Le from the Sports Department Ouyang Rongjia Wanjiale

The prosperity of youth will lead to the prosperity of the country,Strong youth will make the country strong,Young people should develop morally, intellectually, physically, artistically and physically in an all-round way。Physical exercise can not only enhance the physical fitness of students,Enhance immunity,And it can hone your will,Enrich yourself,Enhance students’ awareness of fighting,Cultivate a high-spirited spirit,Develop good habits of healthy living among classmates。Exercise to the body,Just like reading seabet online sports betting is to the spirit。Reading can keep people’s minds active,Get inspired by wisdom,Nourishing the aura of greatness,Learning is the eternal theme of life,It is an important chapter that opens up an era。As a young person in the new era,You must study hard,Decorate your soul with knowledge;We need to keep fit again,Dance youth with sweat。Only with both style and style can we outline the future and distance。To this,Our school specially organizes this online check-in activity to increase everyone’s enthusiasm for learning and sports during the epidemic。

1.Participant: all students studying in the School seabet live casino games of Computer Science, seabet club Central South University

2.Registration instructions:

1) This activity is divided into three groups: fitness group、Punch-in group、Study group,Enter each registration group to register

2) Students in the fitness group enter QQGroup343792736

People from the running group enterQQGroup190268026

People from the study group enterQQGroup965450653

3) You can participate in multiple groups at the same time, and the results will not affect each other

3.Competition method: online check-in

4.Registration deadline:2022YearApril 12日夜7 o'clock

5. Check-in game time:2022Year4month13Sunday arrival5month3

6.Specific rules:

1) The fitness group uses the “Le Power” app,The number of kilocalories consumed for fitness every day is no more than 500 kilocalories。

2)Adopted by running group“keep” app,The mileage shall not be less than 2km each time,The pace is no more than 10 minutes and the running time is no less than4Minutes.

3)Adopted by the learning punch-in groupPomodoro", "Tomato ToDo" and other apps for statistics.

3) Each group will conduct performance statistics and publicize them every day

7.The final interpretation right of this event belongs to the Sports Department

School of Computer Science Student Union Sports Department

April 8, 2022

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of seabet club Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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