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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: March 17, 2022 17:12

Classes of each grade:

National fight against the epidemic,United as one。In order to actively promote the educational guidance and management services of our school class in the process of student epidemic prevention and control,Encourage the whole school class to further play the role of organization and leadership,Comprehensively strengthen organizational mobilization、Implement epidemic prevention measures,According to the Ministry of Education and Engineering’s “Notice on Carrying out the Selection of “Advanced Epidemic Prevention and Control Classes”https://xgw.csu.edu.cn/info/1007/9109.htmArrangements and Requests,Researched,Decided to carry out the selection and recommendation of “Advanced Epidemic Prevention and Control Classes” throughout the hospital。The relevant matters are now notified as follows:

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All undergraduate and graduate classes in the college

2. Selection conditions

1.Outstanding educational guidance。The class carried out distinctive educational guidance,Passed the theme class meeting、Knowledge presentation and other forms,Fully carry out epidemic prevention and control knowledge popularization and education,Everyone knows the requirements for epidemic prevention,Friendly care among classmates、There is a strong atmosphere of mutual help。

2.Supervision measures are effective。The class has formed an effective implementation mechanism for normalized epidemic prevention and control measures,Including daily temperature checks on seabet app download time、Health check-in、Going for leave, etc.,Be a team、There is a program、With ledger、Incentives with rewards and punishments, etc.。

3.Outstanding prevention and control effect。Classmates strictly implement daily personal protection and form good habits for epidemic prevention,Including insisting on washing hands、Wear masks scientifically、Keep1Social distance above meters、Do not gather、Frequently ventilated, etc.,Healthy check-in rate100%, students obey emergency response measures in a self-disciplined and orderly manner.

4.Vaccination100%。Vaccination is strictly implemented in accordance with the requirements of "receiving all responses",All those who meet the COVID-19 vaccination requirements will be vaccinated on time,Vaccination rate reached100%

3. Organizational requirements

1.Undergraduate students of each grade can recommend no more than2Class collective; graduate students can recommend no more than3A class collective. The number of places recommended by the college to the school2pieces.

2.The college will review based on the grade (group) evaluation and recommendation、Discussion、Select the collective candidate list for advanced epidemic prevention and control classes recommended to the school。

3.The outstanding schools in this evaluation will be commended and rewarded based on the school's advanced classes。The college will base on the actual situation,Select advanced classes for hospital-level epidemic prevention and control as appropriate。House、No repeated selection by the school’s advanced class in epidemic prevention and control。

4.Please pay high attention to all grades,Carefully organized,We must strictly control the quality of evaluation,Better lack than excess,Pay attention to the discovery of typical class groups during the selection process、Recommendation and Demonstration。

5.The advanced classes seabet sports betting recommended by the selection and selection of each grade collectively submit the "Collective Deeds Materials of Advanced Classes in Epidemic Prevention and Control",And fill in the "Collective Summary Form for Advanced Epidemic Prevention and Control Classes" (see attachment),Send the electronic file to before 12:00 noon on March 20, 2022 csexgb@163.com Email.

 School of Computer Science Student Affairs Office



1,《XXCollegeXXMaterials on the collective deeds of advanced classes in epidemic prevention and control》

2,《XXCollege( Grade)Collective Summary Table of Advanced Classes for Epidemic Prevention and Control》

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