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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: February 25, 2022 16:44


        2month25Sunday morning,Computer Building of the College Headquarters、Shenghua Building、New Campus Information Building、Teaching Laboratory in the Electronics Building of the Railway Campus、The safety and environmental protection situation of the scientific research platform laboratory was inspected,Most laboratories use relatively standard electricity、Item information is neatly arranged,Hygiene is acceptable,But there are also some problems,Mainly include:

1, There are some laboratory air-conditioning wires in the computer building that are too thin, The seabet betting wall socket cover is missing, posing a safety hazard.

2、There are some laboratories in the information building where the air conditioner is left on all night,A waste of resources,Another safety hazard。

3、There are a few rooms where the items are messy,Express box、Books、Food piled randomly,Especially if the garbage is not cleaned up in time,Easy to attract mice,Rat will bite wires and equipment,There is a security risk。

4、There are some old furniture piled in the corridor of the electronics building、Equipment,Need to be cleaned up in time,Go through scrapping procedures as soon as possible。

seabet online casino games For the above questions,The college has notified the safety person responsible for the laboratory,Please implement corrective measures,Correction as soon as possible,The college will inspect again。 The person responsible for laboratory safety should strengthen safety education for graduate students,Raise security awareness,Implement daily laboratory safety self-inspection,And keep records ("Laboratory Safety and Environmental Protection Self-Inspection Record Book" has been sent to each laboratory), Work together to build a safe campus.


 School of Computer Science







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