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Notice Announcement

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Best Online Casino Games 2024 Source: Student Affairs Office, School of Computer Science, Central South University Click: Time: December 17, 2021 18:57

According to the "Notice on Conducting Student Work Assessment and Relevant Award Selection in Each Secondary Unit in 2021",Combined with the "Regulations on the Work of Tutors of School of Computer Science (Interim)",Upon application,Review by seabet online sports betting the Student Affairs Office,Approved by the Party and Government Joint Meeting,It is planned to recommend 11 teachers including Liu Jiaqi to be selected as outstanding class instructors of Central South University,The list is now announced,The public announcement time is from December 17 to December 20, 2021。

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Liu Jiaqi  Qi Huamei  Liu Shu  Guo Limei  Liu Zhenzhen  Jiang Wanchun  Li Hongdong  Lu Mingming  Duan Guihua  Zhao Ying  Zhu Bing

School of Computer Science Student Affairs Office

December 17, 2021

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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