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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: November 03, 2021 10:30

In order to do a good job in student evaluation in the 2020-2021 school year,The relevant matters are now notified as follows:

1. Basis for selection

The "Implementation Measures for Student Evaluation of Central South University" (Zhongda Zi [2018] No. 3) (see attachment for details) and the "Notice on Earnestly Doing a Good Job in Student Evaluation for the 2020-2021 Academic Year" issued by the Department of Academic Affairs and Engineering of Central South University "Relevant requirements

2. Selection categories

1. Advanced class collective, advanced class seabet sports betting collective pacesetter

2.Excellent students, outstanding student model

3. Outstanding student cadres, model for outstanding student cadres

3. Basic selection conditions and proportions:

1.Basic conditions for selection

For the basic selection conditions, please refer to the "Implementation Measures for Student Evaluation of Central South University" (Zhongnan University Zi [2018] No. 3)。

The seabet sports betting collective pacesetter of the advanced class、Outstanding Student Model、Excellent student cadres are all selected from the advanced class collectively by the unit、Excellent students、Selection and seabet mobile recommendation among outstanding student leaders,Selected by the school through public defense method。

2. Selection quota ratio

(1) The selection ratio of outstanding students shall not exceed 10% of the number of undergraduates and graduate students in the unit respectively;The selection ratio of outstanding student leaders shall not exceed 3% of the number of undergraduates and graduate students in the unit respectively;The collective selection ratio of advanced classes shall not exceed 10% of the total number of undergraduate and graduate classes in the unit respectively。

(2) Total number of college seats:

Excellent students

Outstanding Student Model

Outstanding Student Cadres

Excellent student cadre model

Advanced class collective

The seabet sports betting collective pacesetter of the advanced class

Undergraduate student







Graduate student














(3) Recommended quota allocation for each grade

Excellent students

Outstanding Student Cadres

Advanced class collective

Level 18




Level 19




Level 20




Graduate student




The seabet sports betting collective pacesetter of the advanced class、Excellent student model and outstanding student cadre model,After passing the resolution of the College Awards and Merit Committee, each selected 2 outstanding student models,1 outstanding student cadre model,2 advanced class collective pacesetters;1 Outstanding Postgraduate Model、1 outstanding graduate student cadre model,One collective pacesetter from the advanced graduate class came to the school to participate in the competition。

4. Specific requirements

1.The selection and recommendation work will be combined with the construction of excellent academic style,Lead students to consciously practice the core socialist values,Strive to be "ideal、Have skills、Responsible young people of the new era。

2.The selection process shall be carried out in accordance with "publicity、Fair、The principle of justice,Carry out the evaluation and recommendation work strictly based on the selection conditions and selection ratio,School Student Working Committee、Student committee members will participate in the entire process of evaluation and recommendation,The results of simultaneous evaluation will be announced in the college for three days,After announcing that there is no objection, the college will submit the materials to the Ministry of Education and Engineering。

3.The college will strictly control the quality of the evaluation,Better lack than excess,Select the best among the best。Pay attention to typical seabet mobile mining in the evaluation process、Emphasis on setting an example、Recommending typical examples、Emphasis on typical examples。

4.The seabet sports betting collective pacesetter of the advanced class、Outstanding Student Model、Excellent student leaders will arrange public reviews by the college。

5. Declaration method:

This academic year’s evaluation will be carried out using the student affairs system (system website: xssw.csu.edu.cn),Applicants please fill in the information in the student affairs system-application management-honorary title corresponding evaluation category。

6. Selection Procedure and Time

1.11.03-11.05The student himself applies for outstanding students, outstanding student cadres, outstanding student model and outstanding student cadre model。Class applies for advanced class collective and advanced class collective model。

2.11.05-11.06Counselors of each grade determine the advanced class group based on the student's application and class application、List of outstanding students and outstanding student leaders。

3.11.06 PMThe advanced class collective was reviewed and approved by the Awards and Merit Committee、List of outstanding students and outstanding student leaders,And determine the seabet sports betting collective pacesetter of the advanced class、seabet online casino Defense list of outstanding student pacesetters and outstanding student cadre pacesetters。

4.11.07 eveningThe college launches advanced class seabet sports betting collective pacesetter、Excellent student pacesetter and outstanding student cadre pacesetter reply,And the final advanced class collective pacesetter will be selected by the college’s awards committee、List of outstanding student pacesetters and outstanding student cadre pacesetters。

5.11.08College Announcement

7. Submission of materials

1.Excellent students、Outstanding Student Cadres、The advanced class must submit an application in the system before 12:00 am on November 5, 2020;

2.Apply to be a seabet sports betting collective pacesetter in the advanced class、Excellent student pacesetters and outstanding student cadre pacesetters need to prepare for the defense ppt;

3.Use the system to declare this year,No paper version of materials is needed at the moment,Please be sure to declare in the system in time,Time is tight,Those who fail to declare within the due date will be deemed asseabet sports betting

School of Computer Science, Central South University

November 3, 2021

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