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Notice Announcement

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Source: Student Affairs Office, School of Computer Science, Central South University Click: Time: November 02, 2021 08:00

In order to strengthen seabet sports betting the defense against Kunpeng、Understanding of Shengteng and Huawei Cloud knowledge,Improve students’ competitiveness,Establishing “scholarship” awards in Kunpeng、Students with outstanding performance in Shengteng and Huawei Cloud related courses。

一、seabet sports betting

Students who meet 2 or more of the following requirements and have outstanding performance:

1、Learn and master Kunpeng、Ascending Knowledge,Students with excellent grades;

2、Participate in Kunpeng、Students with outstanding performance in Shengteng-related practices,Including but not limited to: Internet + Competition Industry seabet sports betting Track (Huawei Proposal) Provincial Competition and above;Selected for the National Innovation Plan (Huawei Enterprise Proposal);Soft Challenge、Third prize and above in Kunpeng Shengteng Huawei-related competitions such as NSFOCUS;Based on Kunpeng、Shengteng Technology carries out innovation,Participated in mass entrepreneurship and innovation activities organized by the school and achieved excellent results;

3、Undertake crowd intelligence projects or become openEuler、openGauss、MindSpore and other open source community contributors;

4、Via Huawei Kunpeng、Shengteng micro-certification is greater than or equal seabet sports betting to 2 doors;Or those who participated in the Talents Program and successfully obtained internship opportunities。

2. Review materials and procedures

Students independently fill out the electronic version of the "Intelligent Base Industry-Education Integration Collaborative Education Base Scholarship Application Form" (attachment) according to the selection requirements,Submit to the college together with electronic proof of deeds,Student application deadline is November 5th。

3. Selection work

10 students in the college selection,After evaluation by the college, it will be sent to the enterprise,The specific quota and bonus will be determined by the company。

seabet mobile 4. Additional notice

1、Once the college candidates are confirmed,Will be announced throughout the hospital。

2、For those who obtain rewards through immoral means such as fraud,Once verified,Reward will be revoked,Recovering certificates and scholarships,Relevant responsibilities will be investigated as appropriate。

3. This scholarship does not conflict with other awards.

Contact: Teacher Chi  Contact address: Information Building 119

School of Computer Science Student Affairs Office

November 2, 2021

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: seabet sports betting Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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