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Notice Announcement

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According to school arrangements, it isImplement the spirit of school degree and graduate education reform,Strengthen and promote the construction of graduate tutor team,Continuously improve the quality of graduate training,Promote SchoolDouble first-classVigorously develop construction,CollegeDecided to launch graduate tutor qualificationSupplementRecognizedworkMade. The relevant matters are now notified as follows.

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seabet online sports betting The college’s postgraduate admissions leadership group is responsible for the recruitment qualifications of postgraduate tutors in the unit,Ensure the accreditation work is open to the public、Fair、Justice,And accept questions and complaints from all parties。

Top of form

Group  Chief: Wang Jianxin, Chen Zhigang

Deputy Team Leader: Deng Xiaoheng

Group  Members: Shi Jianquan, Long Jun, Hu Zhigang, Zhao  Ming, Zeng  Feng, Li  Min, Kui Xiaoyan

, workPrinciple

1, CollegeFollow"Central South University Graduate Tutor Enrollment Qualification Measures"Zhongda Yanzi[2020]105The spirit of document No. 17190_17207PlaceDevelopSupplementary Recognition of Graduate Tutor Enrollment QualificationsWork,Strictly reviewed application materials,Those who do not meet the requirements will not be accepted、Identification and reporting。

Special note:CollegeOrganize expert pairsApplicant’s academicsThesis in progressAcademic LevelComments, reviewThe results are reflected in the application form.

2、The applicant is in ideological politics、Establishing moral character and cultivating people、The performance of teachers’ ethics and style is determined byCollegeThe party committee is responsible for review。Mentor Ideology and Politics、Establishing moral character and cultivating people、The assessment results of teachers’ ethics and ethics are reflected in the application form,The results are divided into"Qualified" and "Unqualified",Signed and sealed by the person in charge of the college。Those who fail will not be allowed to enter the subsequent certification process。

3, This certification is in2018-2020Recognized separately in years2019-2021On seabet casino review the basis of tutor qualification,For current and new employees of the college,Supplementary identification of graduate tutors who meet the conditions and requirements for the school’s graduate tutor qualifications,At the same time, the enrollment qualifications of graduate tutors who do not meet the recognition conditions and requirements will be cancelled。

4、Recognized graduate tutor in the past three years,Except for transfer due to transfer、The age limit has been reached、Teacher’s moral failure、Violation of academic ethics,And the school’s administrative sanctions due to major teaching or scientific research accidents have not expired or been revoked、The supervised graduate thesis was recognized asExcept for "problematic papers" which require the tutor to be disqualified from recruiting,2022You will still be qualified as a postgraduate tutor and will not be re-qualified.

5、After this certification,New high-level talents in the school、New Distinguished Professor or Distinguished Associate Professor after officially joining the post,Confirmed and provided by the Personnel Department。New high-level talents can be supplementally recognized as our school according to the requirements and procedures2022PhD supervisor recruiting students,New Distinguished Professor、Distinguished associate professors can be additionally recognized as our school according to requirements and procedures2022Master's tutor will recruit students.

6、If the applicant provides false materials and information during the application process,Once verified,Treat it seriously。


1, scientific research project and academic achievement recognition time

2022The time for the recognition of scientific research projects and academic achievements for postgraduate tutor applicants is:2016Year1month1Scientific research projects and academic achievements since Japan (including2021year). For lecturers with a doctorate degree, the certification time is2018Year1month1Achievements since today (inclusive)2021year).

2、The total number of personal enrollment plans for certified doctoral supervisors shall not exceed3(including cross-college and cross-professional,And special plan enrollment)。Until the enrollment qualification determination date,The number of doctoral students studying has reached15Those who are not qualified to apply for doctoral supervisor recruitment qualifications cannot apply.

3、The declaration time given by the school is very tight,Please be sure to submit materials on time。

四、Time schedule

1、Teachers who apply for supplementary applications please read the school documents and college notices carefully,Fill in the corresponding form as required (fill in the attachment for applying for a PhD supervisor2345, attachment for applying for master’s degree supervision78910), and in2021Year10month20Submit the paper signed by me to the computer building311-2(Please note in the attachment2, attachment7Signature),Please submit a copy of the paper and search certificate when submitting the application form、Copy of patent certificate、Project funds must provide the school’s financial support certificate and a copy of the contract and other attachments, Contact: Teacher Lei, Teacher Yi, Tel:88879609;Send electronic manuscriptcseyb@csu.edu.cn

22021Year10month21College OrganizationExpert pairApplicant’s academicsThesis in progressAcademic LevelComments

3、The college submits the materials to the school’s research and admissions office,The school’s Research and Admissions Office will review the list of certified tutors for each secondary unit,After verification, submit it to the school’s graduate admissions leadership group for review and publication。

五、Instructions for teachers to fill in the form

1、School funding: refers to the scientific research funding that has entered the school’s finances by the application date and belongs to the applicant’s name,Proof of school financial funds required to enter the schoolProject funds that have been split and transferred to other people’s accounts、The funds for not enrolling in school cannot be counted into the applicant’s funds for entering school。

2、Thesis author requirements: only the following three situations meet the requirements

1) The applicant is the first author (if joint author,Required to indicate,Calculated based on average contribution)

2) The applicant is the corresponding author (if joint correspondence,Required to indicate,Calculated based on average contribution)

3) The applicant is the second author and the student is the first author (requiredNo other corresponding author

3、Journal grade recognition principle: based on the quality of journals recognized by the academic community、Academic influence and principles conducive to the construction of first-class disciplines,Categories of important Chinese and English journals in first-level disciplines are divided into A、B、C three levels。

1) English Category A、B、C three-level journal directory is evaluated seabet casino review according to the JCR division in that year,Q1 respectively in English、Q2、Q3 area journal。

2) Chinese Category A、B、C three-level journal catalog is reviewed and approved by the school。理、work、Medical C-level Chinese journals,is A、Other outstanding Chinese science and technology journals outside the B-level journal directory list;C-level Chinese journals in humanities and social sciences,is A、Other Chinese C-type journals other than the list of B-level journals。

s Excellent Journal:https://www.cast.org.cn/art/2019/11/25/art_458_105664.html

s Nanjing University2019-2020 CSSCI source journal directory (excluding extended edition): https://cssrac.nju.edu.cn/cpzx/zwshkxywsy/20200814/i125597.html

Six, public consultation

Collegeat2022Year10month26Completed the certification a few days ago, the certification result is inCollegeThe website will be announced. Announcement time3Days.Public announcement period,The applicant has objections to the determination result,You can submit an objection application to the college,The college handles it promptly。The applicant’s processing results of the collegeObjectionof,You can apply for reconsideration in writing to the school’s Research and Admissions Office,The school’s research and recruitment office will accept the applications in a timely manner in accordance with relevant school regulations. After the announcement, the list of graduate tutors will be submitted.


Attachment1"Central South University Postgraduate Tutor Enrollment Qualification Measures" (Zhongnan University Yanzi)[2020]105No.)

Attachment22022PhD Qualification Application Form

Attachment32022Detailed table of business performance seabet sports betting information of mentor applicantsPh.D. Supervisor

Attachment42022Summary of business results of mentor applicants in 2016(Ph.D. Supervisor)

Attachment52022Summary table of the list of qualifications for the recruitment of doctoral supervisors(Ph.D. Supervisor)

Attachment72022Annual Master Supervisor Qualification Certification Application Form

Attachment82022Detailed table of business performance seabet sports betting information of mentor applicantsMaster supervisor

Attachment92022Summary of business results of mentor applicants in 2016(Master supervisor)

Attachment102022Summary table of the list of qualifications for the recruitment of master’s tutors(Master supervisor)

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