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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: September 29, 2021 19:41

In order to thoroughly implement the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China、The spirit seabet app download of the documents of the State Council and the Higher Education Working Committee of the Hunan Provincial Department of Education on the ideological and political education and mental health education of college students,Also to enrich students’ extracurricular life、Improving students’ mental health,The College Student Mental Health Education Center of the Student Affairs Department of Central South University will continue the tradition of building psychological and cultural activities on campus,toThe "Double Ten" World Mental Health Day is an opportunity to carry out in the whole schoolseabet 。This activity aims to promote the importance of mental health among teachers and students in the school,Further enhance teachers and students’ awareness of mental health maintenance,Form a scientific concept of mental health,Work together to build a harmonious and warm campus atmosphere。The relevant matters are now notified as follows:

1. Activity name and theme

Event name: Central South University campus psychological dramaContest

Activity theme:The future is already here

2. Explanation of the theme of the event

I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m already on the way——"Spirited Away"

Maybe you are standing at the crossroads of life,I feel like there is a fog around me,Can’t see seabet app download the future direction clearly,Can’t see the road in front of me clearly,Maybe you will stand still,Stomping feet,Turn around,Frustrated with fingers crossed,Being constantly bitten by confusion and anxiety about the future。

With societyThe "involution" situation is becoming increasingly serious,College students are also slowly getting involved in this whirlpool,Crying “I don’t know where to go” in the midst of pressure and confusion。But the key factor that limits our development is never the environment around us,It’s our prediction of the future,When we have established imagination and conclusions about our future,We have imprisoned ourselves in a "cage" called "the future",Unable to break the psychological imprisonment。Actually the so-called bottomless abyss,Clear the fog,Hold on,Also has a bright future,We are experiencing seemingly calm day after day,But one day you will suddenly see the meaning of persistence,This is life。

Why not try looking at today from the perspective of the future?When we treat getting lost as part of our walk,We can realize that the future is already here,Is coming,Take dreams as horses,Live up to your time。

3. Registration objects and related requirements

1.Participant:All students in the School of Computer Science


All works must conform to this theme,No limit on angle,Can truly reflect the psychological conflicts and emotional conflicts that college students encounter during their growth。

eachClassWritten, directed and acted,And prepare the necessary materials for promotion and performance of the short play。Like a promotional poster、Promotional video、PPT;Props、Bring your own costumes and other performance supplies。The organizer can provide basic equipment such as tables and chairs、Microphone, etc.。

③Can form teams across classes,The representative class is the class where the person in charge is located。

four, game time

School of Computer Science Psychological Situation Competition Time:10month16Day (tentative)

, script requirements

This campus psychological sitcom competition aims to use a dramatic method,Reproduce the inner life events of students’ growth,Let them see their situation、My own dilemma、My own bondage。And then be able to experience your own life again,Get in touch with your inner thoughts、said、行。Encourage students to untie themselves、Let go of the constraints on others,And then find love for yourself、Love for others,Gradually accept yourself、Integrate yourself,Find a place to settle seabet casino review down,Finally create the value of your own life。The specific requirements are as follows:

1.The script must be an original work,The plot is complete and coherent,Clear theme,Can express common problems and psychology of students as they grow。

2.Please note that the content of the script requires healthy standards and positivity.

3.The performance time of each short play is8-15Minutes. per exceed1minutes (not enough time exceeded1Minutes as per1Minute calculation), total score deduction1Points.

4.Scoring rules:

Rating items

Scoring criteria

Single score

Script content


The script provided is clear, complete and original

Protagonist theme


The play focuses on the current practical problems of college students

Actor Showcase


The protagonist and supporting actors behave smoothly during the performance、Tacit understanding、The plot is too natural

Stage technology


Reflects psychodrama techniques and stage music、Use of props, etc.

Audience reaction


Can infect the audience and arouse the resonance and thinking of the audience’s emotional experience

SixCompetition process

1.Please eachClassYu10month7日夜20:00Fill in the crew beforehandParticipation requirement form(with“XXClassCampus Psychological Short Drama Entry Requirement FormFormat naming, see attachment)Entry Registration Form(withName of "XX Class Campus Psychological Short Drama Registration Form")And withFinal draft of competition script(with“XXClassFinal draft of campus psychological short drama scriptName),PPTPromotional posteretc (size is90cm*60cmSend together to email2667016420@qq.com

2. After the preliminary review of the scripts, the selection will be made from all the scripts12A crew participated in the School of Computer Science’s Psychological Short Drama Competition。After passing the preliminary review, each crew directs and performs a psychological short play,And prepare the materials needed for publicity and performance,For example: promotional poster、PPTetc.。Props、Please bring your own costumes and other performance supplies,The organizer only provides tables and chairs、Microphone。
   3.The college competition will select a crew to represent the School of Computer Science to participate in the preliminary round of the school psychological short drama competition。

seven, Award settings

First Prize One person

Second Prize Two names

Third Prize Three people

eight, contact information

Contact1:Jian Ruoqing Tel:18207770597  QQ3304244691

Contact2:Zhang Fan Tel:19833303633  QQ1820547817

Contact3:Duan Siyu Tel:17612241257  QQ982457866

If you still have questions,21Students can consult the contact person120Students can consult the contact person2;Other students can consult the contact person3

11. Unfinished matters will be notified separately.

School of Computer Science Peer Psychological Mutual Aid Association


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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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