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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: September 15, 2021 11:02

Dear students:

In order to give full play to the incentive effect of various scholarships and grants,Guarantee the disclosure of excellence evaluation activities、Justice、Fair,According to the requirements of the "Central South University Graduate Scholarships and Bursaries Management Measures" (Zhongda Yanzi seabet sports betting [2020] No. 67) and the "Notice on Carrying out the Evaluation of Graduate Scholarships and Bursaries for the 2020-2021 Academic Year",The requirements for submitting application materials for various scholarships of the School of Computer Science in 2021 are as follows:

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The college established the 2021 scholarship and bursary evaluation working group for the School of Computer Science,Responsible for the evaluation of college scholarships,The members are as follows:

Team leader: Shi Jianquan Deng Xiaoheng

Member: Lei Hao、Zhang Yunxian、Liu Yifeng、Chen Siyu、Sun Longzhi、Liu Huadan (Grade 20 Master)、Zhang Haojia (Grade 19 Master)、Yao Jing (Ph.D.)、Graduate class monitor

2. Scope of Awards

1.2017 direct PhD student.

2.2018-2020 full-time non-directed employment doctoral students。

3.2019-2020 full-time non-directed employment master’s students。

4.2018-2021 doctoral students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan、2019-2021 master’s students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan。

President’s Scholarship for graduate students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan、National Academic Scholarship、National scholarships are evaluated by the Graduate School;The Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Scholarships established by the state (referred to as the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan National Scholarships) are organized and evaluated by the Ministry of Education and Industry (for specific requirements, please see the relevant notice issued by the Ministry of Education and Engineering)。

Requirements: The above graduate students must be full-time full-time learners。That is, when new students are admitted seabet app download and evaluated every year,Promise not to have a job during the study period and study full-time at school (students who have a job during the study period or cannot study full-time at school are not allowed to apply for the above-mentioned scholarships and bursaries);Every semester, the secondary training unit and the instructor report the full-time on-campus study status,Failed to fully leave work as required or found out that he had a job during his studies,Cancel the qualification for next year’s competition and withdraw the scholarships and bursaries issued in the previous year。

5.2021-level full-time non-directed employment Ph.D. students、Master’s student。

The academic scholarships and bursaries for the 2021 graduate students have been initially determined upon admission,No need to register and apply in the school scholarship system,Review of personnel files by secondary training units and graduate admissions offices、Salary is related to school situation and whether full-time study in school,As the basis for reviewing academic scholarships and grants for graduate students,If the personnel files and salary relationship are overdue, the scholarships and bursaries for the new graduate students will be cancelled,For details, please see "About preparing 2021 graduate student files、Notice of salary relationship registration”。

2021 direct doctoral students participate in the national scholarship evaluation as master students,Innovative achievements use the seabet mobile results of the undergraduate stage (the results of the undergraduate stage that have been awarded national scholarships may not be reused)。

2021 master’s and doctoral degree students participate in the national scholarship evaluation as doctoral students,Innovation achievements use the results of the master's degree (the results of the master's degree that have been awarded national scholarships may not be reused)。

6.Graduate students of the ethnic minority backbone program and above,Academic scholarship only、bursary。

7.Seventh、Eighth-year medical doctoral student,Only for postgraduate national scholarship and postgraduate president’s scholarship。

8.Ph.D. students who have exceeded the basic academic system but have not exceeded the maximum number of years of study (6 years,Among them, eight-year doctoral students will enter the doctoral stage no more than 5 years ago) and master’s students (5 years),Only for applicants to the President’s Scholarship Excellence Award and Top-notch Award。

3. Selection procedures and related requirements

1.Time schedule

Deadline for personal declaration and material submission: 24:00 on the evening of September 17

Class preliminary review: September 18th-September 19th

College preliminary review: September 19th-21st

College review: September 21st-24th

College evaluation: September 25-27

School Award Preliminary Announcement: September 28th

Related defense: September 27th-29th,The respondent will be notified of the specific time

National Scholarship Result Announcement: September 30

School defense and announcement: October

Scholarship and bursary distribution: see school notice

2.Time requirement

Dear students, please follow the requirements seabet app download of the school’s “Notice on Carrying out the Evaluation of Scholarships and Bursaries for Postgraduate Students in the 2021-2022 Academic Year”,Enter innovative results in the graduate education management information system from September 15th to 17th、Fill out the graduate scholarship application form in the scholarship system。And submit relevant materials to the squad leader on September 18th,Each squad leader must complete the preliminary review of class materials and submit them to the grade leader before 24:00 on September 19th。

2.Material requirements

The binding order of materials is as follows (the President’s Scholarship Excellence Award and the Top-notch Award must be made in triplicate,Other scholarships in duplicate):

1.Related scholarship application form (print both sides of A4 paper),Triplicate,Two bindings,Submit a separate copy to the college)。

2.Graduate student transcript

3. Catalog of supporting materials for innovative achievements

Thesis table of contents format is: serial number、Author’s name、Author type (I am the first、The tutor is the first and I am the second)、Paper signature unit、Instructor’s name、Paper name、ISSN、Journal name、Publication year and volume (issue) number、Journal inclusion status、Grading (fill in according to the catalog of important journals of first-level disciplines of Central South University)、Partition、Impact Factor。

4. Proof of supporting materials for innovative achievements

Relevant supporting materials must be submitted for seabet app download eligible innovation achievements。Students need to provide relevant information about English papers published in journals (including online publications) on the Web of Science website,For specific requirements, please see the relevant attachments (Process for Proof of Published Papers、Online publication of paper certification process)。

Or submit other supporting materials, and the instructor will sign his opinion and signature.

5. Copies of supporting materials for innovative achievements.

The following materials are bound separately with the transcript:

6. School of Computer Science Graduate Scholarship Application Information Form

7.Statistical Summary Table of Applications for Graduate Student Awards of the School of Computer Science (Academic Award) Electronic Version。

3.Process Requirements

1.Everyone must submit materials truthfully and as required,If anyone submits false materials,Directly cancel the qualification for the current year’s award,Serious circumstances,Cancel all awards in school and impose disciplinary sanctions according to relevant requirements。

2.The time node for material submission cannot be changed,No materials submitted after the deadline will be accepted。

3.Please be careful when filling in the materials,Especially in graduate affairs、Scholarship and bursary system operations are in progress,After confirmation of submission,The information filled in cannot be changed。

4.Public announcement stage,All students can raise objections to relevant content,But must comply with the relevant requirements seabet casino review of the award,Do not report maliciously,If there is any relevant behavior,Also press "Fraud" to be disqualified from the award。

4. Others

For unfinished matters, please refer to the college’s notification.

School of Computer Science, Central South University

Student Affairs Office

Graduate Management Office

September 15, 2021

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