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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: September 14, 2021 10:10

Apply by myself,Recommended by the Youth League branch,College Youth League Committee Review,Approved by the College Party Committee,Finally recommended Zhou Jie、Two Cui Zhouyu are members of the 2022 graduate student teaching team,Hereby announce:

Zhou Jie,Female,Han,Preparatory member of the Communist seabet betting platform Party of China,President of the Student Union of the School of Computer Science,Professional ranking 64/196,Won the National Inspirational Scholarship、National Third Prize in Service Outsourcing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition、seabet live casino website Central South University Third Class Scholarship、Outstanding League Member of Central South University 2 times、Outstanding Student Leader of Central South University 2 times、Outstanding Student Union Cadres of Central South University、seabet online casino Third Prize in WeChat Mini Program Central China Division、National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project Completed。

Cui Zhouyu,Female,Han,Communist Youth League member,Vice Chairman of the Academic and Service Development Center of the School of Computer Science,Professional ranking 61/193,Won the National Inspirational Scholarship、seabet live casino website Central South University Third Class Scholarship、Third Prize in the Psychological Knowledge Competition of the School of Computer Science、Central South University Sublimation Cup Silver Award、My favorite project at the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Annual seabet betting Conference、Outstanding League Member of Central South University。

If you have objections to the above persons,Please contact the Youth League Committee of the college in time,Contact Xu Ning,Contact number 15273115301.

Committee of School of Computer Science, seabet live casino website Central South University, Communist Youth League

September 14, 2021

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