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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: seabet app download Time: September 2, 2021 09:26

With wireless communication technology、The development of sensor technology and artificial intelligence technology,And the explosive popularity of wireless mobile terminal devices,Mobile devices used by ordinary users(Such as cars and smartphones, etc.)Integrating more and more sensors,Have increasingly powerful perceptions、Computing and communication capabilities。The surge in the number of edge devices has caused the amount of data to reach zettabytes (ZB)Level,Puts huge pressure on central network broadband。Simultaneous augmented reality、The emergence of many emerging applications such as virtual reality has caused network delays、Jitter、Data security and other issues have put forward higher requirements,Traditional cloud computing is weak in the above aspects, with low latency、High bandwidth、High reliability、Massive connections、Edge computing with features such as heterogeneous aggregation and local security and privacy protection emerged as the times require。Use the sensors in many ordinary users’ existing mobile devices for sensing,Via deployed mobile network(such as5GWiFiInternet of Vehicles, etc.)Perform data transfer,Crowd intelligence sensing in edge computing environment has great research significance。

In order to better promote industry-university-research exchanges on edge technologies in various industries,Promoting future technology development,Gathering research and innovation forces in the field,Display the research results and latest progress related to edge computing technology and data sensing at home and abroad,Discussing the future trends of edge computing research,Cultivate graduate students in scientific research at the same time、Ability to display academic achievements and academic communication,Enable graduate education to better serve the construction of the national independent innovation system,"Data Awareness and Edge Computing Forum" will be held2021Year11month14Held at Central South University on the same day.

1. Forum Introduction

Sponsor: Hunan Provincial People’s Government Degree Committee、Hunan Provincial Department of Education

Organizer: Graduate School of Central South University、School of Computer Science, Central South University

seabet sports betting Forum name: Hunan Province Postgraduate Innovation Forum——Data Sensing and Edge Computing Forum

Location: Main Campus of Central South University

Held time:2021Year11month14Sunday (Saturday)

Registration time: online

2. Essay themes and objects

Essay topic: Topics related to crowd sensing and edge computing

Essay target: computers at home and abroad、Internet of Things、Big data、Communication Engineering、Master’s and PhD students in electronic information and other fields。

3. Scope of essay call (including but not limited to the following topics)

1.  Crowd intelligence computing model and architecture design

2.  Incentive mechanism design for crowd sensing

3.  Based onAI's crowd sensing calculation

4.  Crowd intelligence based on edge computing

5.  Human-machine-object fusion swarm intelligence

6.  Based on5G's crowd sensing calculation

7.  New crowd intelligence sensing computing application system

8.  Crowd intelligence sensing computing for Internet of Vehicles

9.  Crowd intelligence sensing data quality management based on machine learning

10.Intelligent sensing andAIOther computing related fields

11.Network under edge computing/Yunbian/Bianbian Agreement

12. Resource management and task scheduling of edge computing

13. System and software security and privacy management of edge nodes

14. Machine Learning/Intelligent edge computing enhanced by deep learning

15. Machine vision for intelligent edge computing

16. Service quality prediction seabet mobile of edge computing platforms and facilities

4. Important Dates

First draft submission deadline:2021Year10month12October 24, 2021

Acceptance Notice:2021Year10month27November 4, 2021

Final draft submission deadline:2021Year11month7November 10, 2021

5. Essay requirements

1.The paper should have a clear theme,Correct point of view,Outstanding innovation,Rigorous structure,fluent language,has high theoretical value or practical significance;

2.The paper must be written according to the scientific paper specifications (see the attachment for the template1, both Chinese and English), manuscripts are required to usewordFormatting,A4On paper, submissions must be attached200-300Chinese and English summary of the word、Keywords、Main references,Indicate the name of the author and main contact person、Working Unit、Detailed correspondence address (includingE-mailAddress) and author introduction。Indicate " in the upper left corner of the paper home pageHunan Province Graduate Innovation Forum—Data Sensing and Edge Computing Forum", the title of the paper document is "XXUniversityXXCollege+First author’s name+Thesis title";

3. The paper should be seabet app download the author’s personal research results,Do not plagiarize other people’s works,Submitted papers must not have intellectual property disputes、No confidentiality allowed;

4.The paper will not be rejected regardless of whether it is accepted or not. Please keep the manuscript for yourself.

6. Paper submission

Submission URL:https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=daecf1

7. Review and awards

1.All submitted papers will be anonymously reviewed by a panel of paper review experts invited by this forum;

2. Experts will be organized to review the collected papers,Determine the papers to be exchanged at the conference and select the winning papers,Compiled into a collection (for internal communication only,Not for public publication);

3. The forum will select the special prize, first prize, second prize andPosterWinner Award Paper,And awarded the Hunan Province Postgraduate Innovation Forum Outstanding Thesis Certificate、Prizes or bonuses,Rewards for the special prize winners500yuan/People;

8. Contact information

Link Department Person: Li Deng      18073114677 Email:d.li@csu.edu.cn

Contact address: Electronics Building, Railway Campus, Central South University, seabet casino review Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province407

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