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Notice Announcement

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Sponsored by China Computer Federation (CCF),CCF Service Computing Professional Committee、Hosted by Zhejiang seabet casino review University,Zhejiang University of Technology、Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology、The 2021 China SERVIECS Conference co-organized by Zhejiang Gongshang University will be held from September 17th to 19th, 2021seabet sports betting Convened.

The promotion of data sharing and data-driven applications in all walks of life has promoted the intelligence and scale of data infrastructure,At the same time, it also promotes industry informatization and urban intelligence。In such a development environment,Service computing also takes on new vitality。The "Intelligent Service Computing" forum aims to discuss data-driven seabet online sports betting service computing intelligent solutions under the new service model,Provide a communication platform to research and discuss the latest academic and technical achievements in intelligent service computing,Jointly promote relevant theories、Development of technology and applications。

1. Scope of Call for Papers

  • The Intelligent Service Computing Forum solicits relevant original research and application papers,PaperIncluding but not limited toThe following:

  • Requirements and design of intelligent services

  • Discovery of intelligent services

  • Quality management of intelligent services

  • Security and privacy protection of smart services

  • Optimization and Scheduling of Intelligent Services

  • Process Mining and Analysis for Intelligent Services

  • seabet sports betting Interdisciplinary research between intelligent service computing and other disciplines

  • Intelligent service computing technology for smart cities

  • Intelligent service computing technology for specific industries

  • Application of intelligent services

二、 Submission requirements

  • The manuscript has not been published in domestic or foreign publications or conference proceedings。

  • This forum only accepts submissions in English,And only electronic manuscripts in PDF format (full-text mode) are accepted,For detailed requirements on paper format, please refer to the submission article format of "Expert Systems" or "Security and Communication Networks"。

  • Submission adopts Easychair system,Submission URL:https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cscisc2021


3. Paper publication

Excellent English papers accepted by this forum will be recommended to the "Expert Systems"-Intelligent Software Engineering album、Published in SCI journals such as "Security and Communication Networks"。

4. Important Dates

  • Submission deadline:2021Year 7Month 15

  • Acceptance notification date: August 15, 2021

  • Meeting date: September 17-19, 2021

5. Contact

Kuang Li,kuangli@csu.edu.cn

Gao Honghao,gaohonghao@shu.edu.cn

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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