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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: April 8, 2021 11:41

National Natural Science Foundation of China3month20Outside the centralized acceptance seabet casino review period,Release major projects from time to time throughout the year、Major research plan、Emergency Management Project、United Fund、Application Guide for International Cooperation and Exchange and Other Types of Projects,Due to the different application requirements and deadlines for each type,Unable to arrange the acceptance time,To standardize subsequent declaration work,The following is the special notice for project applications in this type of non-centralized acceptance period:

 1、To give sufficient time for project application to prepare application materials,And reserve time for the Scientific Research Department to seabet casino review review the formalities and issue the project list,The deadline for all non-centralized application projects is unified before the deadline for application notice from the National Natural Science Foundation of China24Hours.

 2、All applications submitted online require the system administrator of the secondary unit to pass the "Science Fund Network Information System" (isisn.nsfc.gov.cn) will be accepted by the school only after confirmation and submission.seabet sports betting

 3、After review by the college, you need to export the list of department application items through the system and fill in the "About SubmissionxxxxAnnual National Natural Science Foundation of China project application report(Declaration for use during non-concentration period)》(see attachment),And send the electronic version of the list and report (stamped and scanned) to the contact person of the school's scientific research department by email before the school application deadline,Confirm with the contact person of the Research Department by phone or other methods。Note: The system will automatically close the submission function after the deadline,Our school has had a precedent of multiple applications being unable to be submitted due to applicants not submitting on time。

 4、The school's scientific research department verifies seabet app download the list of projects submitted by the college、Check the format of the application and confirm submission one by one,And issue a unified declaration list in the system and submit it toNational Natural Science Foundation of China

 5Contact person and contact information

Ouyang Jun ouyangjun@csu.edu.cn   88836044

Gong Qiaoru ky999@csu.edu.cn      88879335

Scientific Research Department

School of Computer Science


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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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