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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: March 25, 2021 11:30

Recently, the Hunan Provincial Department of Science and Technology and the Department of Finance jointly released the Hunan seabet online casino Provincial High-tech Industry Science and Technology Innovation Leading Plan Project Application Guide,See notification for detailshttp://kjt.hunan.gov.cn/kjt/xxgk/tzgg/tzgg_1/202103/t20210311_14797786.html

The guide released this time is2021Nianhe2022The two-year guideline will be accepted in batches.

2021The deadline for online acceptance of annual projects is2021Year4month917:30, overdue will be included2022Annual seabet sports betting platform project acceptance, the deadline for recommendation of the recommending unit system is2021Year4month1517:30

2022The deadline for online acceptance of annual projects is2021Year10month2017:30,Overdue applications will no longer be accepted,The recommended unit system recommendation deadline is2021Year10month2917:30

Please ask relevant units、Project applicants carefully read the project guide and application notice,seabet casino review Contact the Research Department in time,In order to carry out subsequent declaration work。


Contact person of the Scientific Research Department: Teacher An Contact information:0731-88877943

 College contact person: Teacher Gong Contact information:0731-88879335


                                                                            School of Computer Science




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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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