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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: seabet mobile Time: November 16, 2020 16:17


According to the school's "Central South University Teaching Quality Excellence Award Selection Method" (CUHK Teaching Words [2019〕129)Content,United College's "School of Computer Science Teaching Quality Excellence Award Selection Rules",Declared by teacher、Review by the College Teaching Steering Committee,Plan to decide to recommend to the schoolDuan Guihuaetc.14 teachers selected teaching quality excellence award,The list is now announced,The announcement time is2020Year11month16Sunday11month19Day.


Any individual who has objections to the recommended list,Please submit a written submission to the Academic Affairs Office with your real name during the publicity period。Tel:0731-88879591,seabet sports betting Email csejwb@csu.edu.cn。


Duan Guihua  Qi Huamei  Zou Beiji    Liu Weiguo  Hu Zhigang   Fei Hongxiao  Liu Jiaqi  

  Heng     Lei  Liu Anfeng   Yu Lasheng  Yang   Liu  Kang Songlin  Cai Xuhui



School of Computer Science, Central South University




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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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