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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: October 13, 2020 15:33

According to "Hunan Provincial Department of Finance About the issue issued by the Department of Science and Technology of Hunan Province2020Notice of the third batch of special funds for the construction of innovative provinces (Provincial Natural Science Fund) in 2020》(Xiangcaijiaozhi〔202020No.)     http://kjt.hunan.gov.cn/kjt/xxgk/xmxx/jfxd/202008/t20200827_13710196.html) (Attachment1) and our school’s financial management regulations,In order to improve the budget implementation progress and fund use seabet casino review efficiency of provincial fiscal special funds,Now open our school2020Centralized claiming of annual Hunan Provincial Natural Science Foundation project funds,The specific arrangements are as follows:

 1.10month20Days ago,The person in charge of each project passed the "Scientific Research and Development Information Platform"  ( Xiangcai Jiaozhi【202020No. Payment (date of payment:20200929;Incoming unit: Xiangcaijiaozhi【202020No.; amount received:47,300,000.00yuan;Purpose: Completed the claim from the special fund for the construction of innovative provinces (Natural Science Foundation) (see the attachment for system operation4, please see the attachment for details of each project funding2),The budget is consistent with the mission statement and strictly seabet casino review in accordance with the school's financial regulations (total funds=Direct funding+Indirect funds; indirect funds=(Direct funding-Equipment fee)*30%。The upper limit for the performance expenditure column in indirect funds is the total indirect funds*60%)。

 2.10month25Days ago,The college administrator completes the review of all project funding claims of the unit through the "Scientific Research and Development Information Platform",Check whether the mission statement (watermark version) has been uploaded、Is the budget preparation consistent with the mission statement、Whether indirect expenses and management expenses meet the requirements of the school and secondary units, etc.。

 3.10month28A few days ago, the Scientific Research Department will complete the review on the platform;11month4A few days ago, the Planning and Finance Office will complete the seabet online sports betting review on the platform.

 4.11month8Days ago,The person in charge of each project downloads through the platform、Print a copy of seabet app download the appropriation form on both sides and submit it to each secondary unit。

 5.11month10Days ago,The college has organized the funding forms for all projects and the unit2020Annual Hunan Provincial Natural Science Foundation Project Fund Allocation Approval Form (Attachment3) to the First Office of the Scientific Research Department424Room, electronic version (attachment3) Send towlccsu@126.com

 6.11month11日,After completing the review, the Scientific Research Department will submit the relevant materials for the funding allocation of each secondary unit to the Planning and Finance Department。

seabet casino review Notes:The person in charge of each project must complete the funding claim within the specified time;The college needs to submit seabet app download the appropriation form for all projects of the unit and the unit fund allocation approval form (attachment3); teachers please tell each other.



                                            Scientific Research DepartmentContact:     Wang Lichang 0731-88876734

                                                                Contact person of the Planning and Finance Department:     Liu Siwei 0731-88877356

                                                                planSchool of Computer ScienceContact: Teacher Gong 0731-88879335


                                                                                                             School of Computer Science Office



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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: seabet app download Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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