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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: September 07, 2020 16:11


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According to the "School of Computer Science on Launching Solicitation"Notice on the work of key cultivation projects for the construction of teaching achievements during the “14th Five-Year Plan”,Upon personal application、CollegeExpert online review, conference review and other procedures to be determinedTeaching achievement project approval2 items、6 courses construction projects approved、2 teaching material construction projects approved、1 first-class thesis project approved。The results will now be announced (see attachment for details)

Publication time:20209month7-9month9Day.


Announcement Form of Key Cultivation Projects of the “14th Five-Year Plan” Teaching Achievements Construction of the School of Computer Science, Central South University

Serial number


Project name

Department (Center)

Declaration Category

Subsidy method

Total funding amount

First funding amount


Zou Beiji

Building a three-dimensional teaching and practice system,Improve the modern computational thinking ability of engineering college students in multiple dimensions

Department of Data Science and Engineering

Teaching results

Scrolling support

National level: 80,000

National level: 40,000


Peng  Army

Oriented by scientific and technological innovation,Exploration and practice of talent cultivation relying on interdisciplinary integration and competitive training

Department of Communication Engineering

Teaching results

Scrolling support

National level: 80,000

National level: 40,000


Yan  Hui

Online and offline hybrid teaching reform and practice of the ability-oriented seabet mobile "Database Technology and Application" course

Basic Computer Teaching Center

Course Construction

Scrolling support

National level: 20,000
Provincial level: 10,000

National level: 10,000
Provincial level: 0.5 million


Lu Geli

"Computer Programming Fundamentals (C++)" Mixed
First-class course construction

Basic Computer Teaching Center

Course Construction

Scrolling support

National level: 20,000
Provincial level: 10,000

National level: 10,000
Provincial level: 0.5 million


Qi Huamei

"Data Structure" first-class course

Department of Communication Engineering

Course Construction

Scrolling support

National level: 20,000
Provincial level: 10,000

National level: 10,000
Provincial level: 0.5 million


Cai Xuhui

Construction of a hybrid first-class course on “Scientific Computing and MATLAB Language”

Basic Computer Teaching Center

Course Construction

Scrolling support

National level: 20,000
Provincial level: 10,000

National level: 10,000
Provincial level: 0.5 million


李  玺

“Operating System Principles” MOOC Construction

Department of Data Science and Engineering

Course Construction

Scrolling support

National level: 20,000
Provincial level: 10,000

National level: 10,000
Provincial level: 0.5 million


Duan Guihua

"Cryptozoology and Applications" first-class course

Cyberspace Security Department

Course Construction

Scrolling support

National level: 20,000
Provincial level: 10,000

National level: 10,000
Provincial level: 0.5 million


Song  Rainbow

"Information Security Experiment 1 (System Security + Network Security)" Course Experiment Tutorial

Cyberspace Security Department

Teaching material construction

Scrolling support

National level: 20,000
Provincial level: 10,000

National level: 10,000
Provincial level: 0.5 million


Lei Xiangdong

Multi-core application design

Department of Computer Science

Teaching material construction

Scrolling support

National level: 20,000
Provincial level: 10,000

National level: 10,000
Provincial level: 0.5 million


Kang Songlin

Research on adaptive question answering system based on knowledge graph and deep learning (taking data structure course as an example)

Basic Computer Teaching Center

First-class paper

Scrolling support

EI, CSCD, etc.: 10,000

EI, CSCD, etc.: 0.5 million

If you have any objection,Please report to the college in writing during the seabet mobile publicity period,Overdue services will no longer be accepted。When reporting the situation, you must have specific facts and sign your real name,For those who do not provide specific factual basis and do not have a signed name,Will not be accepted。

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Contact: Teacher Qi Teacher Fang

Place  Point: Computer Building311-1




School of Computer Science

September 7, 2020


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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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