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Source: Click: Time: August 03, 2020 10:55


“2020Hunan ProvinceBig Data andArtificial IntelligenceInternational Graduate Summer Schoolcum Innovation Forum"Sponsored by Hunan Provincial Department of Education,Central South University、Hunan University、Co-organized by Hunan Normal University,Aims to promote talent cultivation in the fields of big data and artificial intelligence,Promote academic cooperation and exchanges at home and abroad,Promote the deep integration of industry, academia and research。This summer school will be conducted online,Specially invite well-known experts at home and abroad to give lectures,Graduate students and young teachers from relevant universities and research institutions are sincerely welcome to participate. Relevant matters are arranged as follows:

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1.Enrollment targets and scale:Domestic and foreign universities and seabet app download scientific research institutions,Involving computers、Artificial Intelligence、Senior undergraduate students in automation and other disciplines、Master’s degree student、PhD candidate、Postdoc、Young teachers and researchers。Master student、Mainly PhD students。No registration fee for this summer school、No limit to the number of students recruited

2.Registration method:

a)Scan the QR code to register:

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b)Passed"Central South University Graduate Summer School seabet casino review and Innovation Forum registration SystemSubmit, the registration system URL is:http://gramgr.csu.edu.cn/login_sqxx.aspxPlease click on the "Instructions for Use of the Central South University Postgraduate Summer School seabet casino review and Innovation Forum registration System" (attachment3) to operate.Please add after registrationQQCommunication group (group number:1077303677)。

3.Registration deadline:2020Year8month1218:00Before.

4.Admission: AdmissionReviewwillatThe "Registration System" is carried out in batches andAt Central South UniversityComputerIt seabet mobile will be announced on the college website and students will be notified by email.

5.RegisterDeadline:at2020Year8month1412:00Before. ReviewAfter passing, the applicant passesRegistration System”Fill in the “Registration Date”、"Leaving date" and other information are used as the basis for registration (because the system is designed based on the coming school)。atPlease write your detailed mailing address in "Other instructions",In order to mail the "Completion Certificate". Those who fail to register after the expiration date will be deemed to have given up.

四、Study arrangements

This summer schoolofAcademic reports, special lectures and other teaching will be usedOnline mode,Lectured by well-known experts at home and abroad, establishedBig Data and Artificial Intelligence Frontier TheoryBig data and high-performance smart computingHealth big data and smart medical careIndustrial big data and intelligent manufacturingWhen visualization meets artificial intelligenceArtificial Intelligence and Big Data Industry InnovationBig data analysis platform trainingand other six topics, please see the attachment for specific arrangements1, please see the attachment for the expert introduction2Created studentsQQgroup(QQNo.1077303677), follow-up information will be released in this group. Tencent ConferenceIDis:408 2723 7014The live broadcast address is:https://meeting.tencent.com/l/JqMVgMCzjqd1;Password will be used by official studentsQQGroup release.

五、Student benefits and obligations

1.Students during study period,Provide free teaching materials for all students、Lecture notes and other study materials;

2.End of studyAfterStudents should write a summary report on participating in the summer school,The title of the summary report document isXXUniversityXXCollege+Name+Summer School Summary Report” and in2020Year8month3024:00Previously sent to email:ssip@csu.edu.cn Based on students’ study, attendance, and seminarsAnd summary report, selection20%'s outstanding students.Participating students must prepare carefully8month22Discussion at the Innovation Forum on the morning of 30368_30379The Hunan Province Graduate Summer School Completion Certificate printed by the Hunan Provincial Department of Education will be issued to those who pass the assessment。

3.Students must abide by the organizational disciplines of the summer school during the summer school, Internet security and other related laws and regulations,All students must participate in the study of all teaching contents,Take leave midway or leave early,Cannot obtain credits and completion certificate。

Six,Contact information and enrollment consultation

Contact:Teacher Lei, Teacher Yi:88879609;WillowTeacher88879610;Teacher Zheng, Teacher Zhang:88879672

    StudentQQgroup(1077303677) QR code:

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                           Hunan Provincial Department of Education

                           Graduate School of Central South University

                           Graduate School of Hunan University

                           Graduate School of Hunan Normal University

                           School of Computer Science, Central South University

                            School of Information Science and Engineering, Hunan University

                           School of Information Science and Engineering, Hunan Normal University

                                                                 2020Year7Month 28th

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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