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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: July 10, 2020 09:06

Open selection for the School of Economics,Department (Institute) Teaching and Research Ability Assessment andProfessor CommitteeAcademic levelVoting, College Party and Government Joint CommitteeWe will study and decide unanimouslyDr. Ge Rongjun, Chen Kai and othersforNew teachers in the School of Computer ScienceProposed candidateIt is now announced to the public for a period of time5days, the public announcement time starts from2020year7month10Sunday to 2020year7month14日。If you have any objections, please report them to the hospital office before the expiration of the publicity period。

Contact:Teacher Cui

Contact number: 0731-88879336


School of Computer Science, Central South University


Attached is a list of proposed personnel:


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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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