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Notice Announcement

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Source: University Student Science and Technology Association Information Publicity Center Click: Time: April 20, 2020 16:54

Central South University WeChat Mini Program Application Development Competition(hereinafter referred to as "Contest”) is a computer scientist from Central South UniversityHosted by the hospital,Organized by the College Student Science and Technology Association of the School of Computer Science, Central South University,Based on Tencent WeChat mini program platform's innovative application development and design competition.

The competition is open to seabet online sports betting undergraduate students seabet app download at Central South University,Aims to improve students’ progress through competitionrow Web application design and development capabilities,Especially using WeChat ecological mini program platform development technologyThe ability to innovate practice,Promote learning through competition、Promoting teaching through competition、Use the competition,Promote talent cultivation and industry-university-research application in our school,This competition encourages teachers to participate in guidance。

1. Participants

This competition is open to all seabet online sports betting undergraduate students of Central South University,The specific requirements are as follows:

1. You can participate alone or form a team,The maximum number of people in each participating team shall not exceed 4 People, New Year's Eve allowedLevel team,The track where the team is located is calculated according to the grade of the highest grade student in the team。

2. Each person can only join one teamThat is, after participating as an individual, you cannot form a team with others,or personal ginsengYou cannot join another team after joining a team),Maximum of one instructor allowed。

3. Participating team members should ensure that the registration information is accurate and valid.

2. Competition format description

The Computer Science Association regularly releases relevant courses,Contestants can also use the WeChat mini program official website,Learn WeChat applet development and design technology。Each participating team shall be based on the requirements of the entries,Design and develop small program works,Submit your entries to the designated email address of the competition。

1. Track settings:

The competition is divided into two tracks, for first-year seabet online sports betting undergraduate students A Track, students from other grades are here B match道。The track where the team is located is calculated based on the senior person in the team。

2. Review:

Affected by the epidemic,After the submission deadline,The competition organizing committee will organize review experts to conduct online review,The final review experts will conduct the review in accordance with the competition review standards,Finalize the rankings and awards of the final teams。

3. Entries

The entries for this competition should be original WeChat mini programs with applicable scenarios and corresponding functions, It is expected that participating teams will be based on the development technology of WeChat mini programs,Innovative design and development based on actual application needs。The theme of the entries can be freely chosen within the service scope and category supported by the WeChat mini program,But must follow WeChat mini program design guidelines、Development Standardand "WeChat Mini Program Platform Operation Specifications",And it can run normally on the WeChat platform (including development version or online version),Games and anonymous social categories are not allowed in this competition。

Participants should follow the requirements of these regulations,Upload the relevant documentation of the entries to the official website of the competition

Site, specifically includes the following content:

1. Introduction document: comprehensive description of the work and team situation,Content should include but not limited to mini program talk Ming、Application scenario、Practical problems solved、Technical development plan、Team composition and division of labor, etc.。Template parametersTest attachment 2。

2. Demonstration video: Demonstrates the main usage process of the entries,Within 2 minutes、Within 50M、

mp4 format. (requires screen recording without editing)

3. Mini program QR code: for mini programs that are not online,Provide trial version QR code;For online childrenProgram, providing small program code.

4. Mini program appid.

5. Source code of the mini program.

seabet app download X Track - Name of entry", sendTo uast_cse@foxmail.com


Have organizational qualifications (such as enterprises、Teams with media or other organizational qualifications, etc.) directly register for the mini program corresponding to the subject category,If special industries are involved, corresponding qualifications must be submitted in accordance with the "Qualification Materials Required for Special Industries";Other participating teams please register a personal mini program to participate in the competition,Personal mini programs do not support WeChat payment and web view functions,If you consider introducing payment function,Please explain it in the "Introduction Document" of the work file。

Teams that have participated in previous mini program competitions please indicate this in the registration form。

All participating teams can target the service scope and categories supported by all WeChat mini programs (except games and anonymous social categories)Develop。Mini program codes are provided for entries that have been published online;BecauseEntries that cannot be published online because they cannot provide corresponding special qualifications,Trial version QR code available。

The main category of the mini program (enterprise、Media、Other organizations or individuals) and whether the mini program is online,seabet mobile It will not affect subsequent reviews。

4. Competition time and registration method

(1) Competition time


March 9, 2019

Notice issued by the competition organizing committee

2019 Year 3 month 22   日夜 24:00 Before

Submit registration form (Attachment 1)

2019 Year 5 month 3   日夜 24:00 Before

Submit entry

May 10, 2019

Announce results and award awards

(2) Competition registration

1. Registration method: Send the attached registration form to uast_cse@foxmail.com

2. Official communication group of the competition: 771316059 (QQ Group

3. There is no registration fee for this competition.

5. Competition Scoring Criteria

Contest judging will be from positioning、Development from product and technology dimensions,The specific standards are as follows:

[Creation: 10 points]

· Work creation: Does the work have any competition experience。Already,This item 0 Points. No, this item 10 Points. Please fill it out truthfully.

[Positioning:30 points]

·Clear requirements:The product has clear real-life problems that need to be solved,With clear target usersAnd usage scenarios;

· Conceptual innovation: innovation in product form or Internet-based transformation of traditional product formetc;

· Close to reality: bringing convenience to users’ lives or having commercial value。

[Product: 30 points]

·Using experience: clear process logic,Easy to understand and use for users,Excellent user experience;

·Beautiful design: unified UI design specifications、Beautiful and exquisite;

· Operational specifications: Have a systematic and appropriate operation plan,There is no over-marketing phenomenon (includesBut it is not limited to small programs and advertising platforms、Red envelope harassment、Induced sharing, etc.)。

[Technology: 20 points]

· Rationality: Use appropriate technology to solve problems based on product characteristics;

seabet online sports betting · Reliability: Fully consider various boundary conditions,Has good reliability;

·Performance: Product performance meets actual needs,And be able to provide convincing test data。

[Document: 10 points]

· Complete information: positioning description、Product Description、Technical solution、Application prospect analysis and other details completedWhole;

· Data quality: data format specification,The discussion is clear and organized,fluent language,Highlights。

· Note: The results of each stage will not be carried over to the next stage.

6. Award setting

1. Award settings

Contest establishment one、二、Third Prize,All bonuses are before tax,The number of winning teams is in principle

The winning team shall not exceed 30% of the total participating teams,See the table below for details。A track:

Award name




First Prize



Certificate, bonus 800   yuan

Second Prize



Certificate, bonus 500   yuan

Third Prize



Certificate, bonus 300   yuan

B track:

Award name




First Prize



Certificate, bonus 800   yuan

Second Prize



Certificate, bonus 500   yuan

Third Prize



Certificate, bonus 300   yuan

2. Bonus distribution

The bonus will be distributed to the bank card bound to the captain’s campus card through bonus money。

7. Handling violations

The following situations will be regarded as violations and the Competition Organizing Committee (referred to asContest Organizing Committee) has the right to disqualify participating teams:

1. Cheating or forging registration information;

2. Violation of relevant laws during the competition、Regulatory behavior;

3. Not personally original, infringement of others’ intellectual property rights;

4. The content of the work is not healthy、Obscene、Pornographic or defamatory to a third party;

5. Other violations discovered or reported during the competition。

8. Others

Affected by the epidemic,The competition will be judged mainly by online judging,The specific competition schedule will be notified seabet mobile through the official communication group。


Wu Xiaomin: 1834794203QQ

Li Zisheng1370865669QQ

Shi Leihong (teacher): 13808450852 (mobile phone)

The final interpretation right of this competition belongs to the School of Computer Science, Central South University

Undergraduate Science and Technology Association of School of Computer Science, Central South University

2020 Year 4 month

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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