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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: December 27, 2019 08:33

Forward school notification:

seabet sports betting Central South University 2020 Admissions Brochure for PhD Studentshttp://gra.its.csu.edu.cn/yjsy/pygl/wjtzxq109689_1_1.html

Notice of seabet sports betting Central South University’s 2020 selection of outstanding master’s students studying at the school to study for a doctoral degree together with a master’s degree and a Ph.D.http://gra.its.csu.edu.cn/yjsy/pygl/wjtzxq109729_1_1.html

Notice on the enrollment of 23 pilot units of seabet sports betting Central South University in 2020 to select doctoral students based on the application assessment system


Special reminder:

Online registration for candidates: December 26, 2019 - January 12, 2020

Time for candidates to submit materials to the college: January 3-12, 2020 

Candidates submit materials to the college Location: Computer Building 311-2

College contact number: 0731-88879609  

The college assessment seabet casino review work plan is pending after the deadline for candidate registration,Will be published online。                                                    

                                                                                                                                                                                       School of Computer Science

                                                                                                                                                                                       December 27, 2019

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of seabet sports betting Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

Copyright ® 2017-2019 School of Computer Science, seabet sports betting Central South University All Rights Reserved.