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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: November 26, 2019 16:37

According to the "2019 School of Computer Science Research Achievement Award seabet sports betting Regulations",The awards for high-level papers published in 2019 are now notified as follows:

All teachers in the college are requested to fill in the "Attachment 3: 2019 High-Level Paper Publishing Reward Application Summary Form" in units of scientific research teams according to the "School of Computer Science Research Achievements Rewards Regulations" before December 8 (Sunday) and send an email to :ky999@csu.edu.cn   The summarized papers will be reviewed and approved by the college office and then submitted to the college party and government joint meeting for approval。  

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1、The first signed affiliation of the first author of seabet mobile the paper must be "School of Computer Science, Central South University"、"School of Information Science and Engineering, Central South University"、"School of Software, Central South University"、"Software College of Xinjiang University";

2、Please confirm that the high-level paper filled in the application summary form in Appendix 3 can be retrieved according to the paper title in the library or academic website for the relevant award information;

3、The publication period of this award must be between January 1, 2019 and November 30, 2019;Need to be published during this period,Papers that have been accepted but not published during this period are not included seabet app download in the reward category;Papers published online are not counted as rewards;

4、Research team teachers please check the high-level paper award categories listed in the college’s scientific research award regulations in detail,Do not submit papers that are not within the scope of the award;If you have already been rewarded in 2018, please do not submit it again;

5、"Attachment 3: 2019 High-Level Paper Publishing Rewards Application Summary Form" all paper-related information needs to be filled in,No spaces。


Teachers who have questions about this notice can consult teacher Gong Qiaoru in the college office

Contact number 0731-88879335

                                             School of Computer Science Office

                                                                        2019November 22nd


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Contact: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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