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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: October 14, 2019 10:41


Central South University is located in Changsha City, Hunan Province, a famous historical and cultural city in China,covering an area of ​​3.17 million square meters,Building area 2.09 million square meters,Yi Weiwei Yuelu Mountain,Facing the roaring water of Xiangjiang River。Central South University is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education、The first batch of key universities under the national “211 Project”、The national “985 Project” ministry and province focus on jointly building high-level universities and the first batch of leading universities in the national “2011 Plan”,Selected as a world-class A-level construction university in September 2017 (http://www.csu.edu.cn/;http://en.csu.edu.cn/)。

seabet mobile "Journal of Central South University (English Edition)" is "Journal of Central South University",CN 43-1516/TB,ISSN 2095-2899,Renamed from the original "Journal of Central South University of Technology (English Edition)" in 2012,Founded in 1994,Supervised by the Ministry of Education,Sponsored by Central South University,A scientific and technological academic journal co-published by Central South University Press and Springer,It is one of the earliest English journals among Chinese universities。Materials covered by coverage、Metallurgy、Chemical、Geology、Mining、Ore processing、Mechanical、Electronics and Information Engineering、Civil Engineering、Transportation and environment, etc.。Reporting formats include reviews and original research papers。Now SCI,Scopus,Google Scholar,EI,Inscribed in CNKI and other well-known domestic and foreign databases。In the JCR, the major category is engineering seabet online sports betting technology,Small category metallurgical engineering,ESI metal material,Indicators are rising steadily year by year,The impact factor in 2018 is 0.973,Located in Q3 area。Now a monthly magazine,Each issue contains about 25 articles,About 300 articles throughout the year。Using the ScholarOne Manuscripts system to receive submissions from around the world、Reviewer,Using CrossCheck for academic misconduct detection。

In order to give full play to the innovative thinking of young scholars、Energy、Advantages such as smooth communication,Accelerate the internationalization process of journals,Shorten the review cycle,Increase the vitality of the editorial board,And cultivate reserve forces for the editorial board,seabet mobile "Journal of Central South University (English Edition)" plans to form a youth editorial board,Now recruiting the first young editorial board members from all over the world。

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1.Number of recruits

seabet mobile No more than 60 young editorial members will be recruited this time.

2. Recruitment conditions

(1) Under 45 years old;

(2) Have an international perspective,Studying abroad、Scholars with visiting study experience are preferred;

(3) Publish more than 10 English papers as the first author or corresponding author in authoritative domestic and foreign journals in your research field;

(4) Care about the development of journals and have a correct academic attitude;

(5) Have time and energy to work for the journal.

3. Rights of young editorial members

(1) After being selected, a certificate of appointment as a young editorial member of seabet mobile "Journal of Central South University (English Edition)" will be issued,The appointment period is 2 years;

(2) Young editorial board members’ own articles or recommended articles will be published first after passing the review;

(3) Those who have made outstanding contributions or have been appointed for three consecutive terms may be considered seabet app download for appointment as editorial board members of this journal。

4. Youth editorial board obligations

(1) Actively provide suggestions for the development and promotion of this journal,And propose specific measures;

(2) When attending domestic and foreign academic conferences,Actively promote this magazine;

(3) Organize or participate in at least one topic group during the employment period、Requested manuscript;

(4) Actively participate in the submission of this journal、Recommendation and review work;

(5) Actively participate in various academic conferences hosted and co-organized by this journal;

(6) Actively participate in the youth editorial board meetings of this journal.

2. Registration method

Fill in " as requiredseabet mobile "Journal of Central South University (English Edition)" Youth seabet sports betting Editorial Member Application Form”,Send to jcsu@csu.edu.cn。

3. Deadline

Registration ends on November 30, 2019.

seabet mobile "Journal of Central South University (English Edition)" Editorial Department

Journal URL:http://www.zndxzk.com.cn/;http://www.zndxyw.cn/

Springer Link URL:https://www.springer.com/engineering/journal/11771

Submission URL:https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/jcsu

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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