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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: September 28, 2019 16:59

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In order to thoroughly implement the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China、The spirit of the documents of the State Council and the Higher Education Working Committee of the Hunan Provincial Department of Education on the ideological and political education and mental health education of college students,The Mental Health Education Center for College Students of our school plans to continue the tradition of building psychological and cultural activities on campus,Taking the opportunity of “Double Ten” World Mental Health Day,The 19th Central South University Campus Psychological Short Drama Competition was launched throughout the school。The purpose of the activity is to promote the teachers and students of the school to attach great importance to mental health through this activity,Further enhance teachers and students’ awareness of mental health maintenance,Form a scientific concept of mental health,Work together to build a harmonious and warm campus atmosphere。The relevant matters are now notified as follows:

1. Activity name and theme

Activity name:Central South University Campus seabet app download Psychological Situation Drama Competition

Activity theme:Love, freedom and youth

2. Explanation of the theme of the event

There is this passage in Leo Tolstoy's autobiographical novel "Confessions":

“I have some confusing moments。Life comes to a standstill,As if I don’t know how to live,Or what to do;I feel confused,At a loss,People also become melancholy..."。

This is a crisis of meaning,And crises don’t only happen to great writers。

Depression、Anxiety、Buddhist、Let it go...there are more and more college students shouting "The world is not worth it",Crying “What’s so good about being in love,There are more and more college students saying “Is it because mobile phones are not fun or TV series are not good to watch”。This group begins to break away from their original families、But young people who are not yet completely independent will have all kinds of troubles: they still don’t know who they are,But you have to make a life choice;Insecure;I always feel like he doesn’t love me;Afraid that I will accomplish nothing...more importantly,No one seems to be able to point the way anymore,My parents no longer seem to understand my life,You have to make your own decision on everything。

seabet mobile When freedom comes, life seems different from imagination.

3. Registration objects and related requirements:

1.Participant: all students of School of Computer Science, Central South University


①All works must conform to this theme,No limit on angle,Can truly reflect the psychological conflicts and emotional conflicts that college students encounter during their growth。

②Each class writes, directs and performs itself,And prepare the necessary materials for promotion and performance of the short play。such asPromotional posters, promotional videos, PPT; Bring your own props, costumes and other performance supplies.

4. Game time

House Psychological Short Drama Competition Time:October 13 (Sunday)

5. Script Requirements

This campus psychological sitcom competition aims to use a dramatic method,Reproduce the inner life events of students’ growth,Let them see their situation、My own dilemma、My own bondage。And then be able to experience your own life again,Get in touch with your inner thoughts、said、What you do。Encourage students to untie themselves、Let go of the constraints on others,And then find love for yourself、Love for others,Gradually accept seabet mobile yourself、Integrate yourself,Find a place to settle down,Finally create the value of your own life。The specific requirements are as follows:

1.Script requirementsMust be original,The plot is complete and coherent,Clear theme,Can express common problems and psychology of students as they grow。

2.Please note that the content of the script requires healthy standards and positivity.

3.The performance time of each short play is 8-15 minutes.For each minute exceeded (the excess time is less than one minute, it will be counted as one minute),Three points deducted from the total score

4.Scoring rules:

Rated items

Scoring criteria

Single score

Script content (20 points)

The script provided is clear, complete and original

Protagonist theme (10 points)

The play focuses on the current practical problems of college students

Actor presentation (40 points)

The protagonist and supporting actors behave smoothly during the performance、Tacit cooperation、The plot transitions naturally

Stage technology (20 points)

Embodying psychodrama techniques and stage music、Use of props, etc.

Audience reaction (10 points)

Can infect the audience and arouse the resonance and thinking of the audience’s emotional experience

6. Competition process

1.Please invite the crew of each class toBefore 22:00, October 7SubmitScript(named after "the final draft of the campus psychology short script of Class XX")、Entry Registration Form(named after “XX Class Campus Psychological Short Drama Registration Form”) andParticipation requirement form(named after "XX Class Campus Psychological Short Drama Entry Requirement Form") and sent to the email togetherjsjxyxzh@sina.com

2.After the preliminary review of the scripts, 12 crews will be selected from all the scripts to participate in the School of Computer Science Psychological Short Drama Competition。After passing the preliminary review, each crew directs and performs a psychological short play,And prepare the materials needed for publicity and performance,For example:Posters, PPTetc.Props, costumesPlease bring your own supplies for performances,The organizer only provides tables and chairs、Microphone。

3.The college competition will select a crew to represent the School of Computer Science to participate in the preliminary round of the school psychology short drama competition。

7. Award setting

One first prize

Second Prize, Two Places

Three third prizes

eight , contact information

Contact 1: Mao Wenqing Tel: 18374886268 QQ: 705549183

Contact 2: Jin Xiyu Tel: 15973192735  QQ:2405688

Contact 3: Ma Lingyao Tel: 18374994355 QQ: 1136719982

9. Unfinished matters seabet online sports betting will be notified separately.

School of Computer Science Peer Psychological Mutual Aid Association

2019September 28th


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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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