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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: July 8, 2019 10:45

To encourage college seabet online sports betting students to be proactive、Seeking knowledge and truth,Inspiring outstanding students,China Computer Federation (CCF)from2012Established since year“CCFOutstanding College Student Award (CCF Elite Collegiate Award, selected once a year, and students are awarded approximately every year105Name.

According to "CCFExcellent College Student Award Selection Implementation Rules" stipulates that from2018Starting,“CCFOutstanding College Student AwardPut the recommended studentsCCF CSP(Software Competency Certification) scores are an important indicator to prove their professional abilities,seabet app download Under the same conditions,CSPThose with excellent certification scores will be given priority to receive recommendation qualifications。This requirement is valid for all recommendees。

According to recommendation rules,meThe hospital is qualified to recommend 1name Excellent college students.

The selection process is as follows

1. After receiving this notification, inCollegeThe official website announced this news.

2. According to "“CCFOutstanding College Student AwardSelection Implementation Rules", our hospital established an awards working groupAs follows:

Team leaderWang Jianxin

Deputy Team LeaderShi JianquanKui Xiaoyan

Selection SecretaryLiu Yifeng

3. byStudents apply independentlyAnd in2019Year7month12Submit the registration materials to the computer building a few days ago310Teacher Liu Yifeng,The awards working group is here 2019Year7month16Days ago Confirm candidateAndRecommendation table (wordScanned copies of documents and stamps and signatures) submitted by email toChinaComputer Society

4. 2019Year7month30Days ago,CCFThe award working group will review and confirm the recommended candidates;

5. 2019Year7month31Day,CCFPublish the final evaluation results and accept complaints;

6. 2019Year10month17-19Day, the winner will beCCFSponsored seabet casino review to participate in the China Computer Conference held in Suzhou (CNCC2019) and participated in the meeting held2019“CCFOutstanding College Student AwardAwards Ceremony.

If the recommendation form is not submitted on time,Regarded asGive up the selection

This notification.


Central South UniversitySchool of Computer Science




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