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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: March 08, 2019 19:38

Original link:http://tz.its.csu.edu.cn/Home/Release_TZTG_zd/40F6732085FD40E2B8C84CC5641B1581

Ministry of Education Computer Major Teaching Steering Committee、Software Engineering Professional Teaching Steering Committee、University Computer Course Teaching Steering Committee、The 4th "China College Computer Competition - Group Programming Ladder Competition" jointly organized by the National College Computer Education Research Association has been launched。To promote the cultivation of programming ability among Central South University students and select outstanding teams to participate in the national competition,The 3rd Central South University Group Programming Ladder Competition is specially held,The specific matters are notified as follows:

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1. Sponsor: Undergraduate School

2. Organizer: School of Computer Science

2. Registration

1.Participant: All full-time undergraduate students seabet online sports betting officially registered in the school can register to participate。

2. Registration deadline: March 13, 2019.

3.Registration method: Please send the registration form (see attachment 2) to tiantisai@uast.club。

4.Team format: This school competition adopts individual competition,Not forming a team。

3. Competition arrangements

Competition time: March 16, 2018 (tentative) 13:00-16:00

Contest location: Notified after joining the group

4. Competition rules

1. Game time: 3 hours.

2.All contestants in the competition use the same set of questions,At the same time,Compete according to unified scoring rules。

3.Participating team members can only bring pencils or pens without calculation function。All contestants must bring their student ID or campus card to enter the venue。

4.Team members are not allowed to bring any computer-processable software or data (any personal storage devices or calculators are not allowed)。

5.Participating team members are not allowed to carry radio receivers、Any type of communication tool including mobile phones。

6.In competition,Competitors seabet sports betting are not allowed to talk to anyone other than the staff designated by the competition expert committee;System support staff can answer system error messages and other system-related questions。

7.The scheduled duration of the contest is 3 hours,But after the competition goes on for a certain period of time,The competition organizing committee may adjust the competition duration due to unforeseen events。

8.When a team member moves equipment on the field without permission,Unauthorized modification of competition software and hardware,When interfering with other people’s games and other behaviors that hinder the normal progress of the game,All will be deprived of their qualifications by the competition organizing committee。

9.All codes will be checked by the plagiarism checking system after the game。As long as one team member commits cheating,The scores of all members of this team will be reset to zero。

10.Contest specific requirements and rules、For details on unfinished matters such as competition proposition seabet online sports betting and competition scoring, please refer to the "China University Computer Competition-Team Programming Ladder Competition 2019 Competition Notice (Official Version)" (see Attachment 1)。

5. Competition environment and competition language

1. Competition languages ​​include C, C++ and Java.

2.Each team member uses one computer。All team members use computers with the same configuration。

3.PAT (Programming Ability Test) website https://www.patest.cn (the online automatic question judging system used in the competition) provides hundreds of practice questions including past papers,Applicants can practice after registering on the above website。The system used in this school competition is PTA (Programming Experimental Assisted Teaching Platform)https://pta.patest.cn。

6. Award setting

According to personal performance,Set an individual first prize (5%)、Second Prize (10%)、Third Prize (15%) three reward levels,Issue certificate。

7. Team Selection

Select and form 3 teams (30 people in total) based on the results of the seabet sports betting school competition to represent Central South University to participate in the finals of the China University Computer Competition Group Programming Ladder Competition。

8. Contact information

All participating team members must apply to join the official communication and notification group of the school competition: 179178328 (real-name system)。The list of participating teams will be announced on the QQ group after the registration deadline。

Contact person and information: Teacher Liu: 15111095946

Attachment 1: China University Computer Competition-Team Programming Ladder Competition 2019 Competition Notice

Attachment 2: Registration form for the 3rd Central South University Computer Competition Group Programming Ladder Competition

Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education

March 8, 2019

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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