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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: April 26, 2019 22:07

The first calligraphy and painting competition of the School of Computer Science, Central South University was successfully held in April 2019,According to the relevant requirements of the "Notice on Holding the First Calligraphy and Painting Competition of the School of Computer Science, Central South University",Vote via online WeChat、Offline expert review,Evaluate one first prize in each group,Two second prizes,Three third prizes and several excellence prizes and commemorative prizes,Four more specially seabet online sports betting invited works,The list of winners is now announced as follows:

1. Painting Group




Wu Xun

Computer 1707

First Prize

Zhao Yonghui

Software 1702

Second Prize

Yang Yifei

Software 1603

Second Prize

Song Xiaomeng

Software 1706

Third Prize

Luo Ziyi

Software 1706

Third Prize

Yang Zhendong

Jike 1604

Third Prize

Wang Liwei

Software 1704

Winner Award

Lei Yingqiong

Internet of Things 1701

Winner Award


Computer 1703

Memorial Award

Liu Ying

Internet of Things 1602

Memorial Award

2. Soft pen calligraphy group




Lu Yunfei

Computer 1814

First Prize

Zhang Qinyu

Software 1705

Second Prize

Lin Haozheng

Software 1701

Second Prize

Li Zhaoyu

Communication 1603

Third Prize

Guo Dalu

Software 1706

Third Prize

Li Haiyuan

Communication 1504

Third Prize

Lei Yingqiong

Internet of Things 1701

Winner Award

seabet casino review Liu Huadan

Internet of Things 1602

Memorial Award

3. Hard pen calligraphy group




Wu Xun

Computer 1707

First Prize

Zeng Wei

Communication 1704

Second Prize

Yang Yuxi

Computer 1707

Second Prize

Close Ke

Computer 1806

Third Prize

Huo Xiang

Software 1501

Third Prize

Li Qinghang

Big data 1702

Third Prize

Guo Dalu

Software 1706

Winner Award

Yu Yiting

Software 1706

Winner Award

Zhang Qinyu

Software 1705

Winner Award

Liu Jiani

Software 1705

Memorial Award

Ning Yan

Communication 1704

Memorial Award

4. Specially invited works




Calligraphy group (hard pen)

Xu Jie

Computer 1807

Calligraphy group (hard pen)

Hu Ke

Computer 1802

Calligraphy Group (Brush)

Chen Ranfei

Software Engineering 1805

Calligraphy Group (Brush)

Liao Xincheng

Computer 1813

School of Computer Science Youth League Committee

April 26, 2019

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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