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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: May 14, 2019 09:48

Since the National Natural Science Foundation of China releases application guidelines from time to time,For projects declared seabet casino review in non-centralized acceptance period, that is, not in March,The Ministry of Scientific Research has issued a special notice "Notice on applying for various projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China during the non-concentration period",For details, please see http://kxyjb.htm.edu.cn/info/1335/7357.htm,All applying teachers please read the notice carefully,And handle related matters according to this seabet app download notice,Special reminder: Since 2019, official letters need to be signed by the principal,Projects that fail to submit materials as required by the notice will not be accepted by the Research Department。

Contact: Gong Qiaoru

Contact number: 88879335

School of Computer Science Office

May 14, 2019

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