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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: May 22, 2019 09:38

According to the relevant requirements of the "Notice on Holding the Essay Contest on the Theme "My Motherland and Me" of the School of Computer Science,Voluntary application by students、Class recommendation、College Organization Review,Evaluate the first and second prizes,seabet mobile Four second prizes,Six third prize winners,Three winning prizes,The results of the competition are now announced as follows:



Title of the work


Zhu Shuojing

Internet of Things 1701

Study to strengthen the country

First Prize

Zhu Xiaoyi

Software 1802

People in the motherland have a responsibility, but I am homeless at the end of the world

First Prize

Chen Xuxing

Internet of Things 1701

Greatness is achieved through struggle and dedication

Second Prize

Chen Hao

Software 1705

One step away was the closest we got to him that day

Second Prize

Duan Yuqi

Software 1802

War awakens the world, we should strengthen ourselves

Second Prize

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Computer 1809

The sun rises in the east and shines over Kyushu

Second Prize

Xiao Rui

Software 1801

Preach the spirit of the "Five Elders" and promote the soul of China

Third Prize

Gao Peng

Communication 1704

Grandpa’s motherland, my motherland

Third Prize

Nancy Wu

Software 1803

Desert Fireworks

Third Prize

Geng Geng Yilin

Computer 1811

Speak for the country

Third Prize

Li Junqiao

Computer 1803

Allegro’s story

Third Prize

Zheng Mingyan

Jike 1602

Thank you for growing up with me

Third Prize

Meng Yuanyuan

Software 1705

The inheritance of soldiers

Winner Award

Gong Zheng

Software 1705

Grandpa’s Tears

Winner Award

Zhang Xinyu

Computer 1801

The glory of the country, the glory of the people

Winner Award

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May 21, 2019

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