Based on"Implementation Plan for Mass Sports Activities for College Students of Central South seabet casino review "Vibrant Central South" (Trial)",After personal application、Review of each grade、Study and Work Office review and other aspects,Six advanced classes/teams (recommended) for mass sports activities among college students in the School of seabet casino review Science, Central South University were identified,20 advanced individuals in mass sports activities among seabet casino review students.(See the attachment for the specific list) is now announced.
The college will publish the list of proposed recommenders for 3 days,The publicity period is from 12:00 on November 27 to 12:00 on November 30。If you have any objection to the above results, please report it to the seabet casino review Affairs Office of the School of Computer Science (Information Building 119) during working hours。
Contact: Jiang Yuchen 0731-88879499
School of Computer Science seabet casino review Affairs Office
November 27, 2024