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Source: seabet sports betting Click: Time: June 20, 2022 16:20

Second Class of School of Computer ScienceThe "Huaxin Cup" graduation season prize-winning essay competition has come to an end,This essay collection activity received positive responses from the 2022 graduates of the college,Everyone is encouraged to contribute,From all aspects of life,I feel the reluctance to leave Zhongnan in every bit of learning。at6month16At the Graduation Ceremony,Wang Jianxin, Dean of the School of Computer Science、Vice President Li Min、Mr. Xie Xiangdong, seabet online sports betting Chairman of Huaxin Software Co., Ltd.17The winning students presented awards and took a group photo together.


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Winner list:

First Prize:

1positiveSuch as an infinitely iterated fractal curve------SoftwareProject 1803Class Nancy Wu

2: We and Zhongnan ------ Computer Science Class 1807 Ma Hongxu


Second Prize:

1. The garden remains the same ------Computer Technology (Graduate) 1903 Class Li Mengxue

2. Invisible green------Computer Science Class 1807 Zhao Yichao

3. Meet Zhongnan,Regaining the best of us------Software Engineering Class 1804 Dong Yihan

4. I have an agreement with Zhongnan ------Software Engineering Class 1802 Zhu Xiaoyi

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Third Prize: (ranked in no particular order)

1. Me and Zhongnan ------ Computer Technology (Graduate) 1901 Class Liu Yao

2. The Four Seasons with Zhongnan ------Software Engineering Class 1802 Yang Yaxun

3. Youth Cycle------Software Engineering Class 1804 Ge Yuqing

4. Written to you in your prime ------Information Security Class 1801 Hu Piaoran

5. Me and Zhongnan ------Software Engineering Class 1805 Chen Ranfei

6. One dream of Central South China in three years ------Computer Technology (Graduate) Class 1904 Zhao Xin

7. My farewell to Zhongnan is a tribute to the past------Duan seabet online sports betting Yuqi, Class 1802, Engineering Engineering

8. My memories with the football team of School of Computer Science, Central South University------Software Engineering(Research)Class 1901 Lan Peng

9. Four years in Zhongnan ------Software Engineering Class 1806 Cui Zhouyu

10.Zhongnan and I "fall in love and kill each other"------Li Youmei, Software Engineering (Graduate) Class 1901


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