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Policy Document

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Pay party dues to the party organization in accordance with the party constitution,It is the minimum requirement that a Communist Party member must have,It is the obligation that party members should have towards the party organization。Party dues collection、Use and Management,Is an important task in the construction of the party’s grassroots organizations and the construction of party members。In order to adapt to the requirements of the development of the situation,Further strengthen and improve the collection of party dues、Use、Management work,The following provisions are now made。

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Article 1 Party members who receive monthly salary,Relatively fixed monthly salary、Recurring salary income (after tax) is the calculation base,Pay party dues according to the prescribed proportion。

Relatively fixed in the total salary、Recurring wage income includes: job wages of agency staff (excluding workers)、Level salary、Subsidy;Position salary of public institution staff、Salary grade、Performance pay、Subsidy;Position wages seabet casino review of agency workers、Technical level (position) salary、Subsidy;The fixed part of the salary income of enterprise personnel (basic salary、Position salary) and living part(Bonus).

Article 2 The proportion of party members paying party dues is: monthly salary income (after tax) inThose with less than 3,000 yuan (including 3,000 yuan),Pay 0.5% of monthly salary income;More than 3,000 yuan to 5,000 yuan (including 5,000 yuan),Pay 1%;Above 5,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan (including 10,000 yuan),Pay 1.5%;Those above 10,000 yuan,Pay 2%。

Article 3 Party members among those who implement the annual salary system,The monthly calculation base is based on the actual salary income received in that month,Refer to Article 1、Article 2 stipulates payment of party dues。

Article 4 Party members among self-employed persons who do not receive monthly income,The monthly average monthly net income of the individual in the previous quarter is used as the calculation base,Refer to Article 1、Article 2 stipulates payment of party dues。

Article 5 Retired Cadres、Party members among employees,The calculation base is based on the actual total retirement payment or total pension received each month,If the amount is less than 5,000 yuan (including 5,000 yuan), party dues shall be paid at 0.5%,If the amount exceeds 5,000 yuan, the party fee is 1%。

Article 6 Peasant party members pay monthly party dues0.2 yuan-1 yuan。Student party member、Laid-off and unemployed party members、Party members who rely on pensions or relief、Party members who receive local minimum living security allowance,Pay monthly party dues of 0.2 yuan。

Article 7 Party members who have real difficulty in paying party dues,Researched by the party branch,You can pay less or no party dues,You can pay less or no party dues。

Article 8: Probationary party members shall pay party dues from the date when the branch meeting approves them as probationary party members。

Article 9 Party members shall generally pay party dues to the party branch with which they have formal organizational relations。Party members holding the "Mobile Party Member Activity Certificate of the Communist Party of China",While away from home, you can pay party dues to the party organization in the place of immigration with a certificate。

Article 10 After changes in the salary income of party members,Starting seabet sports betting from the month when wages are received according to the new wage standards,Based on the new salary income,Pay party dues in accordance with the prescribed proportion。

Article 11 There is no limit to party members voluntarily paying more party dues。Voluntarily pay more than onceParty dues above 1,000 yuan,All handed over to the central government。The specific method is: the grassroots party committee collects it on your behalf,And provide a brief introduction to the party member,Pass province、Autonomous Region、Organization Department of the Municipal seabet mobile Party Committee,Working Committee of Central Government Organs、Organization Department of the Central State Organs Working Committee,Party Committee of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council、Organization Department of Party Committees of Central Financial Institutions,Political Department of the Ministry of Railways、Organization Department of the Party Committee of the Civil Aviation Administration,Transferred by the Organization Department of the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army to the Organization Department of the Central Committee。The Central Organization Department issued a receipt to me。

Article 12 Party members should enhance their awareness of party membership,Proactively pay party dues on a monthly basis。Encountering special circumstances,With the consent of the party branch,You can pay party dues every quarter,You can also entrust your relatives or other party members to pay or make up for the party dues。The time for repaying party dues should generally not exceed6 months.

Article 13: To Party members who do not pay party dues in accordance with regulations,The party organization where he belongs should criticize and educate him in a timely manner,Correction within deadline。No valid reason,ContinuousParty members who fail to pay party dues for six months will be deemed to have left the party on their own initiative.

Article 14 Party organizations shall collect party members’ dues in accordance with regulations,Party membership dues are not allowed to be paid in advance or withheld,Party members shall not be required to pay any fees other than those required"Special Party Dues".

Article 15 Provinces、Autonomous Region、Municipal seabet mobile Party Committee,Working Committee of Central Government Organs,Central State Organs Working Committee,Party Committee of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council,Party Committees of Central Financial Institutions,Political Department of the Ministry of Railways,Party Committee of the Civil Aviation Administration and the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army,Based on the total number of party dues paid by party members throughout the year5% turned over to the central government。Party dues paid to the Central Committee should be remitted to the party dues account of the Organization Department of the Central Committee before the end of April of the following year,No underpayment or delay。

Article 16 Railway、Civil Aviation System Party Relations in Local Party Committees,Every year based on the total number of party dues paid by party members throughout the year10% of party dues shall be paid to the local party committee。Party committees of prefecture-level branches of the People’s Bank of China and provincial-level branches of other central financial institutions,Every year, 5% of the total party dues paid by local party members in the system shall be paid to the local party committee,Party committees of other dispatched offices and subordinate units will no longer pay party dues to local party committees。

 2. Use of party dues

Article 17 The use of party dues shall adhere to overall arrangements、Live within your means、Break-even、The principle of slight surplus。

Article 18 Party fees must be paid to rural areas、Incline to street communities and other grassroots party organizations in difficulty。

Article 19 Party dues must be used for party activities,Mainly used as a supplement to party members’ education funds,The specific scope of use includes: (1) Training party members;(2) Subscribe or purchase newspapers and periodicals used to educate party members、Information、Audio and video products and equipment;(3) Commending advanced grassroots party organizations、Outstanding Communist Party members and outstanding party workers;(4) Subsidy to party members who have difficulties in life;(5) Subsidy to party members who suffered severe natural disasters and repair the education facilities of grassroots party members damaged by the disaster。

Article 20 Use and allocation of party dues,Must be seabet casino review decided through collective discussion,No individual or a few people may have the final say。

Article 21 Request for instructions on the allocation of party dues,Should be proposed to the higher-level party organization,No skip-level application is allowed。Party dues allocated by the superior party organization,must be earmarked,Not allowed to be used for other purposes。


 3. Party dues management

Article 22 Party dues shall be managed uniformly by the organizational department of the Party committee on behalf of the Party committee。The specific management of party dues is undertaken by the internal agencies of the party committee organizational departments at all levels that are responsible for the education and management functions of party members。

Article 23: The specific financial work of party dues shall be handled by the financial agency established within the organizational department of the party committee at each level or the financial agency of the party committee at the same level。A dedicated person must be designated to take charge,Execute accounting、Cashier branch。Party dues accounting and accounting file management,Refer to the "Administrative Unit Accounting System" formulated by the Ministry of Finance。

Article 24 Party dues shall be established in a separate bank account in the name of the party committee or the party committee’s organizational department,Must be deposited into Industrial and Commercial Bank of China、Agricultural Bank of China、Bank of China、China Construction Bank、Bank of Communications、Postal Savings Bank of China,Not allowed to be deposited in other banks or non-bank financial institutions。Party dues interest is part of the party dues income,Not allowed to be used for other purposes。Guarantee the safety of party dues in accordance with the law,Do not use party dues accounts to engage in economic activities,Party fees are not allowed to be used for investments other than the purchase of government bonds。

Article 25 The organizational department of the party committee must strengthen the training of party dues management staff,Improve their political quality and professional level。Party dues management staff,Must be trained first,Later appointment。When the party dues management staff changes,We must strictly follow the relevant regulations on party dues seabet sports betting management and the financial system to complete the handover procedures。

Article 26 Collection of party dues、Use and management should be an important part of the disclosure of party affairs。The Party’s grass-roots committees and local committees at all levels shall be present at the Party members’ conference or the Party’s congress,Report (or write a written report) on the collection of party dues to the conference、Usage and management,Accept deliberation and supervision by party members or party congress representatives。The organizational departments of local party committees at all levels shall report the collection of party dues to the party committee at the same level and the organizational department of the party committee at the higher level every year、Usage and management,Notify the lower-level party organizations at the same time。The party branch shall announce the collection of party dues to party members once a year。

Article 27: The party’s local committees and grassroots committees may retain party dues。Specific retention units and retention ratio,By province、Autonomous Region、Municipal seabet mobile Party Committee,Working Committee of Central Government Organs,Central State Organs Working Committee,Party Committee of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council,Party Committees of Central Financial Institutions,Political Department of the Ministry of Railways,Party Committee of the Civil Aviation Administration,General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army,Determine based on actual situation and work needs,The retention ratio should be tilted towards the grassroots。

Article 28 Provinces、Autonomous Region、Organization Department of the Municipal seabet mobile Party Committee,Working Committee of Central Government Organs、Organization Department of the Central State Organs Working Committee,Party Committee of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council、Organization Department of Party Committees of Central Financial Institutions,Political Department of the Ministry of Railways、Organization Department of the Party Committee of the Civil Aviation Administration,Organization Department of the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army,Every yearCollect party dues for the previous year before the end of April、Submit a written report to the Central Organization Department on usage and management。The content of the report is: Collection of party dues in the previous year、Amount used and balance;Main items of party dues expenses;Party dues collection、Experience in use and management、How to do、Existing problems and suggestions for improvement, etc.。

Article 29: The organizational departments of party committees at all levels must inspect the collection of party dues once a year、Usage and management conditions,Summary experience,Problem found,Correction in time。

Article 30 Collection of Party Dues Violations、Use and management regulations,seabet sports betting Seriously investigate and punish in accordance with the "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishments of the Communist Party of China" and relevant regulations,Handling of violations of criminal laws in accordance with the law。

Article 31 Seizure of party organizations in the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and the Chinese People’s Armed Police Force、Methods for using and managing party dues,Developed by the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army with reference to these regulations。

Article 32 These regulations beginEffective from April 1, 2008,Past regulations are inconsistent with these regulations,Subject to these regulations。

Article 33: The Organization Department of the Central Committee is responsible for the interpretation of these regulations。


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