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Party Building News

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Source: Click: Time: September 30, 2022 10:26

9month22Night7Point, the Seventh Student Branch of the School of Computer Science is hereCentury Building Main Building401StartedAbout the historical significance of Hong Kong’s returnEducational activities。This event is hosted by Comrade Ouyang Tianxiang,Comrade Wang Ruiqing, secretary of the branch, and all party members of the branch participated in this event online and offline。

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The host first led everyone to understand the historical background of Hong Kong's return、Historical significance and the connotation of Hong Kong’s national security law system。The host divided this part into two parts to lead everyone to study,Respectively: Understand the historical background seabet casino review of Hong Kong’s return、Historical significance;Understand the connotation of Hong Kong’s national security law system。During this part of the learning process,Mainly emphasizes that Hong Kong’s return to the motherland is an achievement that shines brightly in the history of the Chinese nation;Conducive to promoting the prosperity, stability and development of Hong Kong;Leaved a valuable legacy for solving the Taiwan issue and realizing the complete reunification of China。

The host then led everyone to watch"Video of the 25th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return to the Motherland" video,Learn the spirit seabet mobile of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech。Secondly,The host guided the experience sharing of watching the video "Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return to the Motherland",Shared with Zou Jing、Zhang Zhengxu and other 10 party members came to the stage to share,Everyone has his own opinion,Thorough understanding。

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Last meeting,Branch Secretary Wang Ruiqing delivered a speech on today’s Party Day activities。Secretary Wang Ruiqing affirmed today’s sharing activity,At the same time, it is proposed to have your own opinions when sharing,I hope all party members seabet app download will continue their efforts。and,Secretary Wang Ruiqing emphasized the upcoming 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,It is recommended that all party members actively understand the spirit of the meeting,Unswervingly follow the party。

This educational activity allows everyoneBenefited a lot, I believe in all party members of the branchHave a deep understanding of the historical significance of Hong Kong’s return,And fully understand the general development trend of the world and China,Further cultivated the feelings of family and country,Effectively enhance national self-esteem、Self-confidence、Pride,Bravely shoulder seabet online sports betting the historical responsibility of national rejuvenation。


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