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Party Building News

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Source: Click: Time: June 6, 2022 10:39

 Graduation season is coming quietly,Another group of party members of the School of Computer Science are about to leave their alma mater、Farewell to the teacher,Embark on a new journey,Go to all fronts in various parts of the motherland to continue writing the chapter of your youth。In order to deeply study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the Sixth Plenary seabet online sports betting Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee,Promote the normalization and long-term effectiveness of party history learning and education,According to the work arrangements of the school party committee,June 1,The School of Computer Science aims to “promote the power of youth, shouldering the important responsibilities of the times" as the theme,Carry out education and training for party members of the 2022 graduates in Room 405, South Building of Science and Education。Professor Tan Xipei of the School of Marxism is the main teacher of this course。Shi Jianquan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Computer Science、Zhou Qinghan, Party Affairs Officer of the School of Computer Science, and Liu Yifeng, graduate counselor, attended this training session。

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 The training class is seabet mobile hosted by teacher Zhou Qinghan,She hopes that everyone can strengthen their ideals and beliefs through this graduate party member training,Clear the future development direction。

 In class,Teacher Tan Xipei of the Party School proposed three important words for all graduate party members: life、Life and mission。Life depends on parents,Life depends on oneself,The mission comes from faith。He encouraged the graduates,firm belief,There is a long way to go,Key technologies determined to tackle key problems。Always keep in mind the original mission of the Communist Party members,Work hard and forge ahead,Work unremittingly to build a modern and powerful socialist country。

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 Subsequently,Zhou Qinghan, Secretary of the First Party Branch of Graduate Students, showed the film "The Party's Great Achievements" seabet app download to the graduate party members。Video showsUnder the leadership of the party, Jiangcun, Zhejiang Province has achieved a counterattack process from "poor and dirty" to "green, rich and beautiful"。The transformation of Jiangcun is one example of many achievements under the leadership of the party,We must use history to reflect reality、Looking into the future,See clearly from the Chinese Communist Party’s century-old struggle why we were able to succeed in the past、Figure out how we can continue to succeed in the future,For national rejuvenation,Add new youthful energy。

 After the training course,Deputy Secretary Shi Jianquan of the College Party Committee came to the stage to deliver a speech。He first congratulated all graduate party members on their successful graduation。At the same time,He put seabet casino review forward four requirements for graduates: 1、Don’t forget your original intention,Remember the oath of joining the party;二、Strong ideals and beliefs,Strengthen party spirit;三、Always obey the party’s call,Loyal to the Party、People、Motherland;four、Do honest things,Do honest things,Be an honest person。He hopes that graduate party members can become a seed,Reflect the style of a party member at all times,Always keep in touch with your alma mater after graduation。

 Last,Graduate counselor Liu Yifeng delivered a graduation speech to the graduating party members,He expressed his reluctance for the graduates to leave school,And send a message seabet app download to the graduate party members present,I often think about what kind of person I want to be,What kind of person should seabet mobile you be,Integrate personal ideals into the dream of great national rejuvenation。

 The training session for graduate party members concluded successfully,All graduate party members and comrades will bring the care and high expectations of the party organization,Never forget the way you came,A new journey。

Author: Hu Yan

Instructor: Zhou Qinghan

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