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Party Building News

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Source: Click: Time: March 17, 2022 16:29

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“A year’s plan starts with spring,It’s time to plant trees and protect forests。”On the occasion of our country’s 44th Arbor Day and the 60th anniversary of learning seabet online sports betting from Lei Feng,March 11,The Eighth Party Branch of Graduate Students of School of Computer Science、All members of the 10th Party Branch and the 12th Department went to Xiufengshan Park in Kaifu District, Changsha City to carry out the "Welcome the Spring Wind and Protect the 'Green Mountain',Learning from Lei Feng and guarding the "Golden Mountain"" Voluntary Planting Theme Party Day Activities。Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Computer Science、Teacher Shi Jianquan, secretary of the 10th Party Branch of the School of Computer Science and graduate student Li Cheng of the 8th Party Branch of the School of Computer Science、Under the guidance of teacher Chen Siyu from the twelfth party branch of the graduate student,Comrades from the branch will practice it,Play without being afraid of getting dirty, suffering, or being tired,The fine style of charging ahead,Pick up the hoe、Shovel、Garbage bag、Fertilizer buckets and other tools,Weed and fertilize the vegetation on both sides of Xiufeng Road。“Salute to the example,Carry forward the spirit of Lei Feng。”Through this voluntary planting activity,Let all party members and comrades understand the contemporary connotation of Lei Feng’s spirit,Inheriting the spirit of dedication,Caring for others、Care for the society、Care for seabet online sports betting nature。While practicing the concept of green development,Protect our green waters and green mountains with practical actions。

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The activity is carried out in the form of group work,Each team is responsible for an area,Everyone weed and fertilize,Clear division of labor,Start busy following the instructions。Some comrades are responsible for the task of weeding the green separation island in the middle of the road。Because the vegetation in this area is mainly shrubs,Shovel、Hoes and other tools cannot be used、Unavailable,You can only pull weeds by hand。Several comrades did not hesitate、No complaints,They all rolled up their sleeves and worked hard,In hand、Clothes stained with mud。“Dirty work,Party members will rush to get in。”Dear party members and comrades, don’t be afraid of getting dirty、Not afraid of hardship、Not afraid of being tired,Dare to be in the front、Dare to take on heavy responsibilities,Do good things、Understand dedication、Responsible。

Activity in progress,Kindergarten children passing by saw their brothers and sisters weeding and fertilizing the trees,They all stopped to watch。The kindergarten teacher introduces our work to the children,Telling "Love flowers and plants,Start with me”、"Protect the environment、Everyone is responsible”、"When seabet mobile everyone grows up,Be like your brothers and sisters,Do your part for our homeland。”Party members and comrades greeted the children warmly,Looking at the innocent and ignorant smiling faces with admiration,While gaining a sense of accomplishment,The sense of responsibility and mission also arises。Aren’t these children flowers of the motherland,A sapling,Comrades are watering and fertilizing the trees,Full of "positive energy" also irrigates the deepest part of the children's hearts。

Having a role model in my heart,Action has power。It has been nearly 60 years since Lei Feng left us,Lei Feng’s spirit has never left。Awaken love with love,Warm the heart with heart,Lei Feng is a model of the times,Lei Feng’s spirit is eternal。General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: “We must learn from Lei Feng’s spirit,We must also learn from Lei Feng’s practices,Transform the pursuit of lofty ideals, beliefs and moral character into concrete actions,Reflected in ordinary work and life,Make your due contribution,Pass on the spirit of Lei Feng from generation to generation。”

This theme party day activity taught all party members a vivid and profound lesson。Comrades within the branch not only deepened their understanding of environmental protection,Profoundly understand the importance of "Blue seabet app download Sky Defense",Understand the hard work of sanitation and carpentry workers,Understand Lei Feng’s spirit from practice,Carry forward Lei Feng’s spirit through action。

Pan Yaqian, a member of the Eighth Party Branch of the Graduate School, said: This theme party day activity taught me a vivid and profound lesson,By personally engaging in tree planting work,Actively participate in the construction of ecological civilization,Enhanced the cohesion and team spirit of branch members,Increased party members and comrades to "plant green"、Protect Green、Love Green、Environmental awareness of "Xing Green",A deeper sense of respect for nature,Responsibility to care for nature。

Luo Aiping, a member of the 10th Party Branch of the Graduate School, said: The theme party day organized by the branch gave me a deeper understanding of the awareness and concepts of ecological civilization,Understand better the value of Lei Feng’s spirit。Although we were just wielding hoes during the event,Spread fertilizer,Hand pulling weeds,But the key to Lei Feng’s spirit is persistence;Insist on starting from small things,Always do good things。I also gain happiness from labor and understand the meaning of labor,Exchange labor experience with other comrades,Improve labor efficiency。Through this event, we also have a better understanding of "lucid waters and lush mountains are valuable seabet app download assets" and the concept of green and sustainable development。

Chen Yunfei, a member of the 12th Party Branch of the Graduate School, also has a deep understanding: the annual Arbor Day,Thanks to the branch for organizing a meaningful event。President Xi often said: “Lucid waters and lush mountains are the golden mountains and silver mountains”,Finally, I have the opportunity to truly experience nature with my own hands,Care about nature,Protect nature,Although it is a pity that I did not plant a sapling with my own hands,But our team loosened the soil,Fertilization,I have experienced weeding all over again。The warm sunshine of early spring is along the road,Clean streets,The budding scenery,With the innocent and cute smiles of kindergarten children and the youthful and energetic slogans of primary school students,No matter it is a tall tree,Still a small shrub,Even a small tree that has just bloomed,They are all worthy of our careful care。Plant a tree,The best time was ten years ago,The second is now,I hope we can practice the concept of green development with practical actions,You can also discover more of the beauty of nature。In this process, I also realized the significance of the daily work of plant protection staff,They wear nature on their bodies,Put the responsibility on your shoulders,I hope we can do this wherever we go。

seabet online sports betting Huang Jiaqi, a member of the 12th Party Branch of the Graduate School, added: Arbor Day is not just about planting trees,There are also tree guards,Minimize wood use。As General Secretary Xi Jinping said, “Lucid waters and lush mountains are the golden mountains and silver mountains”,Protecting the environment starts with us,Start from small things,We can advocate starting from using small handkerchiefs,Use less paper every day,Believe that only we start from ourselves,Start now,There will be more and more trees on the land of our motherland,The forest will become denser。A person’s power is meager,But as long as tens of millions of people participate,The power on Weibo will also become infinite,Even tiny green leaves can create a forest ocean,Green makes life,Life continues green,Let’s take action,Let us hold up a green tomorrow with both hands,Hold up our bright future!

Instructor: Shi Jianquan

Correspondent: Luo Aiping

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