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Party Building News

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Source: Click: Time: December 24, 2021 10:46

December 20, 2021Afternoon, collegeMember of the Party Committee, Vice PresidentLi MinProfessorIn the new campusBlock A Teaching Building 317The first party branch for undergraduates、The Fourth Party Branch of Graduate Students、Party members of the 13th Party Branch of graduate students teach thematic party classes。The theme of the course is to promote the spirit of scientists,Should the new mission of scientific and technological work in the new era。

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Dean Li from"The Father of China's Aerospace" - Qian Xuesen's tortuous experience of returning to ChinaQian XuesenNot afraid of all kinds of obstruction and persecution from the US government,For the aerospace industry of the motherland,Determined to return to the motherland to serve and devote herselfYuNational defense science and technology undertakingProposed an extremely important implementation plan for the development of China’s rocket and missile technology. chestPatriotic spirit of cherishing the motherland and serving the peopleandThe dedication of being indifferent to fame and wealth and concentrating on researchIt is worthy of learning by every scientific and technological worker.

Next, Dean Li told the storyDeng Jiaxian, Zhan Tianyou, Qian Weichang, Mao Yisheng and other scientistsofOutstanding achievementsThe older generation of scientists use their sincere enthusiasm to serve the country,Created one miracle after anotherFrom the stories of the older generation of scientists,Dean Li introduced the speech to the student party members present"What kind of spirit do contemporary young researchers need?"This profound proposition。Her wonderful explanation inspired the party members and comrades present。New Era,College student party members should play their partPioneer role model, learn from the spirit of great scientistsGo all out to complete the new mission of scientific and technological work.

"科Scientist spirit can inspire the younger generation,The most important thing is patriotism。”Dean Li is borrowed as an academician seabet sports betting of the Chinese Academy of Sciences、A sentence from Yuan Yaxiang, a researcher at the Institute of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, summarizes this course。Patriotism should be the anchor and original intention of every scientist。

President Xi Jinping once sent a message to the youth:“Looking to the future,Our country’s young generation will definitely have great potential,There will be great achievements。”End of course,Dean Li’s message from President Xi JinpingEncourage all party members and comrades to establish lofty ideals,Assuming the mission of socialist builders and successors,seabet online sports betting Work hard to comprehensively build a modern and powerful socialist country。

Zhou Qinghan Chen Zeyu

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