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Party Building News

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Source: Click: Time: October 15, 2021 09:34

Double Ninth Festival,It’s the Double Ninth Festival again。October seabet sports betting 13,The Party Committee of the School of Computer Science organized more than 20 retired comrades from the retired branch to visit the Hunan Provincial Party History Exhibition Hall。

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The first floor of the exhibition hall is themed "Dare to call the sun and moon to change the sky",Condenses the struggle of the sons and daughters of Sanxiang under the leadership of the party。Enter the exhibition hall,The first thing to pay homage to is the statue of "Xiaoxiang Soul",Under the explanation of the instructor,EveryoneWith great respect for the revolutionary martyrs,Remembering Mao Zedong together、Liu Shaoqi、Ren seabet casino review Bishi and other older generation revolutionaries fought bloody battles、The struggle of armed revolution。

Then in the exhibition hall with the theme "Dare to call the sun and moon to change the sky",The commentator uses the historical axis as the context,Leading everyone to review the glorious history of the party。Pieces of precious historical facts,Yellowing old photos,Cultural relics carrying historical memories、Every touching story,Vividly demonstrates the revolutionary martyrs’ struggle for national independence、The immortal merits and outstanding contributions made by the people for seabet casino review liberation,It also shows the magnificent and glorious history of the Communist Party of China in Hunan。

Stop in the museum,Listening to the explanation,Reliving the glorious history of the party,Every old party member has received a profound party spirit education and soul cleansing。

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Visiting and communicating through this event,Everyone has a deeper understanding of the party’s arduous journey,To the great achievements of the motherland under the leadership of the Communist Party of China,Feel proud and proud。Everyone said: History is the best textbook,Our happy life today is hard-won。An old seabet online sports betting comrade who retired from the education front,As a member of the Communist Party,Be sure not to fade after retirement,Don’t forget your original intention,Keep your mission in mind,Follow the example of revolutionary martyrs,Strong ideals and beliefs,Enhance party spirit,Inheriting the fine style of revolutionary martyrs,Carry forward the red revolutionary spirit,Dedicate our light and heat to the realization of the century-old dream of rejuvenation,Add glory to the party flag with practical actions。

After visiting the Party History Exhibition Hall,The branch also held a party members meeting,seabet mobile Carry out special study and seminar on party history,Summary of recent work。

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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