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Party Building News

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Source: Click: Time: May 20, 2021 16:25

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Thinking of our ancestors every year,Cold rain calms Chutian。Thinking of our ancestors every year,Clear tears fill Shaoshan。5month16日,In order to implement General Secretary Xi’s "Study of Party History,Enlightenment Thoughts,Do practical things,The spirit of the important speech "Opening a New Game",The fifth student seabet mobile from School of Computer Science, Central South University、six、All party members of the seven party branches79People going to Shaoshan,Carry out "Study of Party History、Remembering the Martyrs、Stay true to your original intention、The theme party day activity of “Carrying a Mission”。Activity to visit the hometown of great people,Memory of heroes and martyrs is the main form,Carry out the red education of studying history and Chongde,Promote party members and comrades to establish loyalty to the party、Public morality that benefits the people、Strict personal ethics of self-discipline,ReviewThe difficult journey of the Chinese Communist Party in revolution and struggle.

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Not afraid of wind and waves,Better than taking seabet online sports betting a stroll。Long mountain road,It cannot stop our sincerity in remembering the martyrs,It’s drizzling,Our enthusiasm for learning the history of the Party will never be extinguished。It is this misty rain,Get rid of inner impetuousness,Purify distracting thoughts in your mind。

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In Mao Zedong Statue Square,Party members take off their hats and close their umbrellas,Organized queue,With great respect,Grouply present a flower basket to the Chairman,Significantly bow three times to express your admiration and remembrance of the Chairman。Subsequently,Under the leadership of each branch secretary,All party members circled the bronze statue of Mao Zedong in an orderly manner。Although Chairman Mao left us,But the Chairman’s heroic deeds of saving seabet app download the country and the people are still vivid in my mind,The Chairman cares about the world、The revolutionary spirit of seeking truth from facts is always worth learning。

All party members came to Chairman Mao’s former residence,Everyone stopped in front of the former residence to remember,Feel the noble demeanor of the founding leader up close,My soul is deeply touched。Then everyone went to the Comrade Mao Zedong Memorial Hall to visit and take pictures、One piece of real objects、Segments of images,A true record of Comrade Mao Zedong’s historical achievements,Everyone experienced immersively that a great man "could reach the nine heavens and embrace the moon",The ambition and lofty sentiments of being able to sail across the five oceans to catch turtles,seabet mobile Enjoyed the "Guide Country",Inspiring text,The heroic spirit of Wanhuhou in the past,I also feel the hardships of the revolution and the hard-won victory。

Through this theme party day event,All party members of the three branches have truly realized that today’s life is hard-won,In-depth understanding of the great leader’s responsibility for the times and his talents and strategies,As well as the revolutionary spirit and revolutionary wisdom displayed by the older generation of revolutionaries in their long and tortuous revolutionary road。History is the best textbook,China’s revolutionary history is the best nutrition。In the next study and life,We should strengthen the study of the four histories, Enhance "Four Consciousnesses"、Strong seabet casino review “Four Confidences”、Achieve "two maintenances",And draw spiritual strength from "learning history and advocating morality",Sublimation of moral cognition,Improve your ideological realm,Remain loyal to the party、Gratitude to the people、Be a model practitioner of socialist core values。

(Author: Chen Yiren, Wang Ruiqing)


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