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forIn order to promote those who are fighting on the front line of the epidemic“Post-90s” party members are not afraid of hardships、Bravely shoulder heavy responsibilities、The excellent quality of sacrificing life and death,Further strengthen graduate party members’ understanding of the importance of epidemic prevention and control。March 30, 2020 9:00 am,The Research Branch of the School of Computer Science held a conference on "Xi Jinping's Reply to Encourage All Post-90s Party Members of Peking University to Assist Hubei Medical Care" and "About Epidemic Response" through audio conferences on the "Tencent Conference" platform.,Online learning seminar on General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Important Speech。

By studying these two articles,The graduate party members were deeply touched,actively shared his learning experience。Some of the student party members spoke as follows:

seabet mobile Gu Lite: The future of the motherland seabet sports betting needs us,While struggling personally, you must also think about the country、The nation makes a contribution,Especially when the people need us。

Xiang Jiayuan: withThe young generation represented by the "post-90s" come forward、Responsibility and dedication,Fully demonstrates the spiritual outlook of Chinese youth in the new era。They use practical actions to interpret the responsibilities and responsibilities of the younger generation,Set an example for Chinese youth in the new era。

Zheng Peng: The country puts people’s lives first,Everything is for the people。The people of the whole country and the people of Wuhan stand together,This fully demonstrates the superiority of the national system,I believe we can continue to overcome difficulties in the future。

Qi Xiaofei: Young people are going against the current and breaking the pastThe stereotype of “inaction”,What we can do is protect the medical staff and the country and give us a piece of the sky。Be grateful,Contribute your best to society,Do your own thing well。

seabet sports betting Ma Jie: In the eyes of the older generation,"seabet mobile Post-90s" were born and grew up in a comfortable era,But judging from the aid situation during this epidemic,Young people are courageous and responsible。As the epidemic situation improves,People are starting to slack off,We cannot sit idly by and do nothing,Active publicity and response,Contribute yourself。

Huang Ting: asA member of the "post-90s generation",We must learn from their dedication。At the same time, under the leadership of the Party Central Committee,Keep your mission in mind,Don’t forget your original intention,Forge ahead。

Tan Xiaolin: brave in dedication and fearless of hardshipsThe "post-90s" generation are worth learning,Compare the improper behavior of some international students,It also reflects the young generation’s establishment of a correct outlook on life、Values、The importance of looking at the overall situation。

Gong Xiao: ExcellentWe are deeply inspired by the deeds of the “post-90s generation”,The country relies on the people to win the tough battle,We seabet mobile must do our part,Let your small seabet sports betting actions play a greater role,Don’t relax at the same time,Take preventive measures。

Hong Junkun: This epidemic is also a test for young people,Reflects that young people are capable、Responsible side。In times of national crisis,The "post-90s" generation responded positively、Come to the front line of the fight against the epidemic,The "post-90s" generation has truly become an important pillar of society。

Yang Hongyu: The efficiency of prevention and control measures,Cooperation of the broad masses of the people,The spirit of selfless dedication of the younger generation,All reflect the strong cohesion and centripetal force of the Chinese nation。

Secretary’s Thoughts: The Party, the Country, and the People in this EpidemicBig Examhanded in a satisfactory answer sheetDuring the global fight against the epidemic,We can experience Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutionsReally feel the socialist system’s superiority, we must always unswervinglyobeyParty’s callandFollow closelyThe pace of the countryIn this fight against the epidemic, to“Post-90sParty member"Stand up for the young generation represented by"、Responsibility and dedication,Using practical actions to demonstrate the spiritual outlook of Chinese youth in the new era;This epidemic has fully exposedWhat the West promotesThe hypocrisy and deception of “democracy” and “human rights”Defects in related systemsAs a party member, you must fully believe in the party and the country,More determined"Four Confidences", a profound understandingConfidence in the road, self-confidence in theory, self-confidence in the system, and self-confidence in the culture20558_20561Winning the battle against epidemic prevention and control must rely on science and technology,Innovation is the driving force for the country’s continuous progress,As a student party member,Continuous learning and innovation,Fully mobilize the power of science and technology,Link your own sense of responsibility to the development of the country,Strive for the future of the Chinese nation。

The last secretary’s summary: first,The epidemic has not yet achieved complete victory,Overseas import seabet app download makes seabet mobile us not take it lightly,We must continue to do a good job in various epidemic prevention work,Stay alert。Second,For those false remarks that maliciously smear the country,Our party members should have the courage to respond,State your position clearly;Third,While cooperating with the national epidemic prevention work,You must do your job well,We must actively learn from outstanding party members who are not afraid of hardships、The good quality of taking responsibility,Become ideal、Have skills、Responsible national hope!


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