To warmly celebrate the People’s Republic of China70Anniversary,Solidly promote the theme education of “Don’t forget your original intention and keep your seabet club in mind”,Vigorously promote the spirit of patriotism,Inspire love for the party、Patriotic、Love and passion,10month7Day,8日,Second Party Branch of seabet club Students of School of Computer Science, Central South University、Member of the Joint Organization of the Sixth Postgraduate Party Branch60Yu Ren,Carry out the theme party day of “Don’t forget your original intention, keep your seabet club in mind” and the movie viewing activity of “My Motherland and Me”。
To celebrate the founding seabet club People's Republic of China70Anniversary tributeGift card,The film "My Motherland and Me" uses little people to see the big era,Focusing on the most ordinary you, me and him behind the highlight moments seabet club motherland,Performed7There is a close correlation between ordinary people and the country’s great achievements、Inseparable and moving story,Infected all seabet club members present with unprecedented warmth。"Me and my motherland,Cannot be separated for a moment...",At the end seabet club film, everyone waved the five-star red flag in their hands,Sing along to the moving songs in the video,To express our pride in the great achievements made since the founding of New China and our motherland70Heartfelt wishes for seabet club first birthday.
70The years have undergone tremendous changes, 70years of struggle,Stand up、Get rich and become strong,Our motherland has gone through ups and downs,With the heroic and fearless spirit seabet club martyrs、Withstanding the baptism of changes over the years,History has never forgotten those touches and figures,Time is engraved with those feats and sounds。As a Communist Party member,We should remember history、Be grateful,With a high sense of responsibility and seabet club,Keep up with the times,Care about the development of the motherland,Take practical actionsPractice our principles“Original seabet club”and“Responsibility”。