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Scientific Research Trends

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Source: Click: Time: March 08, 2019 08:11

Relevant units and related personnel

The Hunan Provincial Department of Science and Technology recently issued the "Notice on the Concise Design Work of Special Major Projects seabet online sports betting for the Construction of an Innovative Province in 2019" (see for details:http://kjt.hunan.gov.cn/xxgk/tzgg/tzgg/201903/t20190304_5284456.html)。Relevant units and relevant personnel please log in to the above website to check,And carefully organize and implement according to the requirements of the "Notice"。

Contact: He Jianjun 88877943

seabet casino review Research Department of Central South University

March 6, 2019

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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