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Student and Worker Notice

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Source: Click: Time: April 15, 2022 15:34

After personal application and college youth league committee、Student Union、Graduate Student Association Review,Fairness、Public、The principle of justice,Selected School of Computer ScienceAdvanced collectives and advanced individuals in the 2021-2022 school seabet casino review year,The list is now announced as follows:

1. Outstanding Student Union

School of Computer Science Student Union

2. Student Union Star Department

School of Computer Science Student Union Sports Department

3. Student Union Work Innovation Award

    School of Computer Science Student Union

4. Outstanding Student Union Cadres

Yuan  yi        Gold  Yi   Li Binghan

5. Outstanding Student Union Volunteers

Chen Zhendian   Liu Jianhan   Liu Zhihong     Far   xiang  eucalyptus   Xiao  foreign

6. Outstanding Graduate Student Association

    School of Computer Science Graduate Student Association

7. Outstanding Graduate Student Union Cadres

He Xiaohao   Horse  Xin   Qu  Min   Meng Xiaoxi

8. Excellent Graduate seabet app download Student Association Work Volunteer

Cui Xiaoxu   Liu Huadan   Horse       Photo   Xiao Xiaoqiang   Xie Huixuan


Publication time:April 15, 2022-April 17, 2022

Contact:  Yuan Yi

Contact number:19933765066

If you have any objections, please contact usCall before April 17th、Report to the College Youth League Committee by email or in writing with your real name、Student Union、Reflection from graduate students。

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Student Union of School of Computer Science, seabet mobile seabet mobile Central South University

Graduate Students Association of School of Computer Science, seabet mobile seabet mobile Central South University

April 15, 2022



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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of seabet mobile seabet mobile Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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