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Innovation and Entrepreneurship

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Source: College Student Science and Technology seabet online sports betting seabet online sports betting Association of the School of Computer Science Click: Time: November 15, 2021 19:36

2021Year11month14Sunday afternoon3point,School of Computer Science and Technology Association Research Exchange Meeting in Information Building 506 of the new campusHeld successfully.

Hu Ke was invited to this meeting、Zou Wenhao、Chen Jingling and Zhang Hanxiao, four seniors who have obtained postgraduate qualifications, came to share their experience seabet casino review in postgraduate qualifications seabet mobile with the participating cadres of the Association for Science and Technology。

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First,Senior Zou Wenhao announced the official start of the exchange meeting for undergraduate students。Then he introduced to the cadres the ways and important processes of research support based on his own experience in research support at the Chinese Academy of Sciences。He pointed out:College life will have many possibilities,I hope everyone can try more seabet mobile seabet app download and explore more,The threshold for postgraduate education is indeed relatively high,But everyone should actively learn to think seriously about their future。

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Subsequently,Senior Hu Ke, who applied for postgraduate studies and went to Shanghai Jiao Tong University, provided reference for the cadres by showing the various documents she prepared for postgraduate studies and relevant experience in interviews。

Next,Senior Chen Qingling, who applied for postgraduate seabet app download seabet mobile study at Nanjing University, introduced to us how to successfully obtain postgraduate study through excellent results even when there were not many awards in competitions。

Afterward,Senior Zhang Hanxiao, who applied for postgraduate studies and went to Central South University, shared her experience of being on the edge of postgraduate studies and finally landing successfully to relieve the anxiety of the students。

Last,Four seniors had seabet app download seabet mobile in-depth exchanges with the cadres present to answer questions,And took a group photo。

To this point,This insurance research exchange meeting ended successfully。Let us wish the Association for Science and Technology a bright future,Build brilliance together!

Reporter: Li Chaofan

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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