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Source: Click: Time: April 15, 2021 15:47

seabet sports betting Activity purpose

The "Top Ten Guardian Angels of the Campus" selection event is one of the series of activities of the Mental Health Festival,Aims to discover those things in our school’s education and teaching activities and students’ daily lives that are harmonious with themselves,Be good at establishing good interpersonal relationships with the people around you,Teachers and students who can pass on correct values ​​​​and positive psychological energy to the people around them;Conducive to establishing a love of life for all teachers and students in the school、Positive role model,Create a fulfilling and happy university environment。At the same time during the selection process,Further enhance the understanding and attention of all teachers and students on mental health,Let the selectors feel the responsibility they shoulder,Actively spread positive energy to those around you,Create seabet app download a seabet app download seabet online sports betting good atmosphere for the development of mental health education。

二、Activity theme and activity name

Topic: "I am me, I love me"

Event name: The 7th Campus Top Ten Guardian Angels Selection

Theme Explanation: In the highly competitive university life,College students generally face more and more interpersonal interactions、Emotion、Academic Burden、Pressures such as choosing a career and employment,Mental health problems have become one of the important factors restricting the growth of college students。We hope to select the top ten spiritual guardian angels,Let the guardian angels of the soul share with teachers and students how they help others、Stories of protecting others,Calling more students to pay attention to mental health issues,Give students more opportunities to understand themselves,Know yourself,Face yourself,Reducing psychological stress,Enhancing the psychological quality and endurance of college students,Remind college students to "cherish life",Care for yourself”,Actively create a campus atmosphere that is conducive to the healthy and harmonious development of college students' physical and mental health。

三、Event organizer and organizer

Event organizer: Central South University College Student Mental Health Education Center

Central South University College Student Peer Psychological Mutual Aid Association

Event organizer: Peer Psychological Mutual Aid Association of School seabet sports betting of Metallurgy and Environment, Central South University

seabet app download Event co-organizer: Peer Psychological Mutual Aid Association of School of Computer Science, Central South University

Official website of the event: Central South University College Student Mental Health Education Center website

Official WeChat platform of the event: Heart Help Cookies、Zhongnan Xinyuan、Blazing Golden Dream

Event officialQQ:Zhongnan Xinyuan、Xinsheng Xiaozhu、Heart wall of School of Computer Science, Central South University


All teachers and students of School of Computer Science, Central South University

五、Activity time

1. Event registration time:2021Year4month14Day—— 2021Year4month17

2. College selection time:2021Year4month17Day—— 2021Year4month 20

3. College announcement time:2021Year4month21Day—— 2021Year4month 22

4. Activity primary election time:2021Year4month28

5. Public voting time:2021Year5month6Day—— 2021Year5month9

6. On-site defense time:2021Year5month16

7. Announcement of final results:2021Year5month16

Six,Registration method

All teachers and students voluntarily sign up to participate,The submission materials are submitted by individualsYu4month172200PreviousSend to designated email address: jsjxyxzh@sina.com

Seven,Material requirements

1, The 7th Campus Top Ten Guardian Angels Recommendation List (Attachment1);

2, several personal life photos (required4:3Horizontal electronic original image),And relevant supporting materials (such as: supporting materials of personal advanced deeds);

Note: The content of the recommendation form and main deeds must be filled in around mental health education。

3、Each participating teacher and student shall submit their personal seabet app download participation seabet mobile materials in the form of a compressed package file,The compressed package naming format is "xxxEvaluation materials for the top ten spiritual guardian angels on campus”,United in4month172200PreviousSend to designated email:jsjxyxzh@sina.comThe compressed package should include: ①Statistical table。Naming method: Top ten spiritual guardian angels on campusxxxParticipation form (see attached table for form template3);②Original electronic version of the evaluation materials。Naming method: Top ten spiritual guardian angels on campusxxxseabet app download participation materials,will participate in the personal recommendation form、Personal life photos and relevant supporting materials are placed in this folder。

eight,Selection method

(1) College Selection Stage

The college will make selections based on individual application materials, and the final selection will beRecommend a teacher and a student, or just a teacher. (See the attached table for selection requirements2

(2) Primary Stage


Location: to be notified later

Teacher from the University Student Mental Health Education Center、Representatives of some college psychology teachers、Presidency of the Campus Alliance、Representatives of the presidents of the second-level college’s support associations form the preliminary review panel,Responsible for primary selection scoring。The jury based on the seabet app download seabet online sports betting selection criteria,Evaluate all participants in order according to the percentage systemThe materials submitted by individuals will be evaluated and scored for the first time,Take the average as the final score。Ranking by score,The top twenty will be shortlisted from the final selection。

(3) Re-election WeChat public voting stage

Time2021Year5month6Day—— 2021Year5month9

Platform:"Zhongnan Xinyuan" WeChat public account platform

1. Display the candidate’s relevant deeds through WeChat public account,And post a vote;

2. WeChat voting score: Total share of WeChat voting session30Points, scored according to the number of votes obtained, each vote counts005Points, highest30points, that is, if the number of votes exceeds 600, points will no longer be accumulated.

(4) Reselection on-site defense


Location: to be notified later

1. The judging panel consists of teachers from the University Student Mental Health Education Center、Not shortlisted as a college psychology teacher、Representatives of the previous “Top Ten Guardian Angels of the Campus” and the Presidency of the Campus Alliance serve as professional judges;

2. Before the official start of the conference,Notify shortlisted candidates to prepare for on-site defense,The content of the defense is self-introduction、Advanced deeds in personal mental health education and other contents (candidates seabet mobile are free to prepare materials seabet casino review needed for the defense,For example:PPT, defense time limit5Within minutes),After each candidate completes their defense, the judges will ask questions,The question and answer session lasts approximately2minutes;

3. Candidates will be presented in random order according to the drawing,After the presentation, the judging panel will give scores on the spot based on the candidates’ responses on a hundred-point scale。Based on rating,Get the average score given by all judges (expert review scores accounted forThe total score of the final evaluation70%);

4. Final comprehensive online voting scores and on-site defense scores,Calculate the final score of the candidates。Arranged in descending order by final score,Select the top ten in order as the final "Top Ten Guardian Angels of the Campus"。If there are candidates with the same score among the top ten,Please ask the on-site judges to re-score the candidates with the same results,Finalized list of winners;

5."Top Ten Guardian Angels on Campus"List confirmation,Make an on-site announcement,Issuing certificate of honor,And publish the list on the website of the University Student Mental Health Education Center。

9. Contact Information

Contact: Ma Lingyao

Contact number:18374994355


10. Unfinished matters will be notified separately.

Peer Psychological Mutual Aid Association of School of Computer Science, Central South University

2021April 14th

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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