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Campus Culture

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Source: Click: Time: December 03, 2020 15:40

To enrich the extracurricular life of teachers and students,Enhance students’ comprehensive quality,Strengthen the cohesion of each class,School of Computer Science, Central South University2020undergraduate students held a meeting at the volleyball court of the new campus on the morning of November 30thWinter Warm Sun Tug-of-War Competition。Teacher Shi Jianquan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the College,Class teacher Guo LimeiWith Level 20 Counselor Teacher Li Meng、Teacher Zhang Yue attended this event,All undergraduate students from the class of 2020 also participated in the event。

This tug-of-war competition is based on classes,Select 15 team members per class,10 of them are boys,5 girls。The competition divides 22 classes into 11 groups by drawing lots,seabet casino review Group seabet casino review matches successively、Knockout、Semifinals,Finally compete for the championship, second and third place。

Before the game,Secretary Shi gave a speech on this tug-of-war competition。He pointed out,Students should feel the power of hard work and unity and cooperation in sports,Exercise your body,Strengthen your will,At the same time, students are reminded to pay attention to safety during the competition。final,Secretary Shi wishes this event a complete success。

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As the referee blows the whistle,The tug-of-war officially begins。The cheering cheers of each class,The members of each seabet sports betting seabet casino review team roared one after another,Sound waves,Promoting the atmosphere to a climax。Even with the biting cold wind,The students’ enthusiasm for the competition has not been affected at all。The competition is going on fiercely,Some classes are evenly matched,Both players are working hard,It took several minutes to decide the winner;Some classes are as powerful as a rainbow,The team members are very brave,The battle was resolved in less than a few seconds,Brings invisible pressure to other teams。

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That’s it,After two rounds of fierce competition,The top six teams were born,At this time, only seabet app download a seabet online sports betting quarter of the original team is left on the field,The students became nervous and excited。As the competition enters a fierce stage,The students were all aroused to fight,The cheers are louder than the previous ones, and the cheers are louder than the previous onesCounselors Teacher Li Meng and Teacher Zhang Yue also joined the tug-of-war in this passionate atmosphere

The game is coming to an end,The first, second and third place were also born in the fierce competition。Computer and Communication Class 2001 won the championship in this tug-of-war competition,Computer and Communication Class of 2002 won the seabet mobile runner-up,seabet sports betting Computer and Communications Class of 2011 won the third place。After the game,The class tutors and counselors will award trophies and prizes to the winning classes。

(Champion Class Computer and Communication Class 2001)

(Runner-up Class Computer and Communication Class 2002)

(The third runner-up class, seabet sports betting Computer and Communications Class of 2011)

This tug-of-war competition ended successfully,Not only let the students feel the strength of the team,It has even brought the students closer to each other invisibly,Enhance class cohesion. I believe in passing this competition,Every student has gained a different kind of experience and growth。

(The picture shows the photo of all the staff)

 seabet mobile Reporters: Wang Dan, Chen Yijin, Zhou Xinwei, Wang Junhao

seabet casino review Photography: Zhang Enjie, Wen Chengke

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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