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Source: Click: Time: June 11, 2020 14:53

According to the "Guiding Opinions on Major Diversion within Major Categories for Undergraduate Students of Central South University (Trial)" (Chinese University Teaching Words﹝2018﹞No. 59)、Requirements of the "2019 Class of Computer Information Major Diversion Implementation Rules",seabet casino review According to fairness、Justice、Principle of openness,Reviewed by the professional diversion working group,The diversion results are now announced as follows (see attachment):


Attachment1: Computer Science and Technology Major Diversion Results

Attachment2: Data Science and Big Data Technology Major Diversion Results

Attachment3: Diversion results for Communication Engineering major

Attachment4: Information security major diversion result

Attachment5: Diversion results of seabet mobile Internet of Things Engineering major

The result announcement period is5 days, If there are any objections during seabet online sports betting the publicity period,Please report to the major professional diversion working group (in the form of a Word document,My electronic signature will be sent to the counselor),The major category working group is responsible for answering。

     Contact number:88879591 Teacher Qi

School of Computer Science

June 11, 2020

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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