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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: July 15, 2024 15:12

In order to fully implement the party’s education policy,Promote students’ morality、智、body、美、Comprehensive development of labor,Cultivate high-quality creative talents,Promote the scientificization of students’ ideological and political education and management、Normalization,Guarantee the fairness of the evaluation and award activities、Justice、Public,In compliance with relevant school regulations,Combined with the actual situation of the School of Computer Science,Fully consider the actual situation and vital interests of the students,Based on the "Guiding Opinions on Comprehensive Quality Assessment of Undergraduates of Central South University" (Zhongnan University [2023] No. 3),This rule is specially formulated。

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1.Evaluation work principles。Insist on fairness in evaluation work、Justice、Open unity;Insist on combining qualitative evaluation with quantitative evaluation;Insist on combining teacher evaluation with peer evaluation。

2.Use of evaluation results。The evaluation results are used to determine various scholarships and honorary titles above the school level、Student academic year identification、Recommended employment based on merit、Important basis for cadre selection and recommendation of outstanding candidates to join the party。

3.Those who received a warning or above、Students who commit fraud during the assessment process and major student leaders who are responsible for safety accidents due to dereliction of duty or inaction will be disqualified from the comprehensive quality assessment for this academic year。

4.These implementation rules will be implemented from the 2023 grade undergraduate students,Undergraduate students in the 2022 and previous grades still follow the "Implementation Rules for the Comprehensive Quality Assessment of Undergraduates of the School of Computer Science, Central South University" under the guidance of the "Guiding Opinions on Comprehensive Quality Assessment of Undergraduates of Central South University" (Zhongda Zi [2014] No. 56) implement。

2. Organization and procedures of college assessment work

1.Within 4 weeks of the first semester of each academic year,Carry out the comprehensive evaluation work of the previous school year。

2.The College Awards and Merit Review Committee is the supervision and review organization for the annual comprehensive evaluation of students。The counselor guides the grade meeting to be responsible for the comprehensive assessment of this grade,The counselor guides the assessment team of each class to carry out the comprehensive assessment work of the class。The class assessment team is composed of class instructors、Monitor、Composed of the Youth League Secretary and student representatives or all students。

3. The test scores are sorted by major.

seabet mobile 4. The seabet app download specific evaluation procedures are as follows:

(1) Within 3 weeks after the first semester of each academic year,First, the class evaluation team will organize the class to conduct a preliminary evaluation,The first draft of the assessment will be formed after review by the class instructor;Secondly, the grade will be evaluated by the grade assessment team,Form professional ranking;Finally, after all students sign and confirm, report to grade counselor for review;(The class evaluation team can refer to the opinions of the previous class cadres during the evaluation process;The grade assessment team consists of counselors of each grade、Grade cadre composition。)

(2) Within 4 weeks after the start of school,The student affairs office of the college reviews the students’ comprehensive quality test scores、Recognition,Submitted to each evaluation team for review,The grade assessment team is responsible for verification、Correction。All data verification must be calculated using excel table formulas、Check,Copying, pasting and changing the spreadsheet format is not allowed,If it is found that it is not handled as required,Data considered invalid;

(3) Announcement。The college will announce the test scores uniformly,The publicity period shall not be less than 3 working days。Students have objections to the results,The student affairs office of the college will organize a review within 1 week and respond promptly;

(4) The test scores should be archived in the college for more than 1 year for future reference.

3. Evaluation content and scoring method

1.The evaluation content focuses on Germany、智、body、美、Five aspects of labor。

2. The comprehensive quality assessment adopts a hundred-point system.

3.Comprehensive quality test score = German, American and Labor quality score × 25% + Intellectual and educational quality score (excluding physical education course scores) × 70% + Physical quality score (including physical education course scores) × 5% + Comprehensive quality plus and minus points。

4. German and American labor quality score evaluation

The assessment team is under the guidance of the counselor,Based on the "Reference Instructions for the Evaluation of German, American, and Labor Quality Scores for Undergraduates of Central South University" (Appendix 1),Evaluate each student’s German, American and Labor quality score。where,Moral Education Quality Assessment Regular assessment every school year,The quality evaluation of aesthetic education and labor education adopts a combination of curriculum performance and comprehensive performance,Students can provide relevant supporting materials as reference for evaluation。

Each class requires separate score segments,Do not concentrate scores into a certain score range。Now the number of people in each segment is stipulated,Every class please implement it strictly。According to proportion requirements,The number of people in each class with corresponding points is calculated based on the class size,All rounding principles are used,And only take integer points。


Score ratio (not absolute value)

Interval ratio


































Note: German and American labor quality scores are two consecutive scores from high to low,Based on the "rounding" principle,If the former is "ENT",The latter must be "given up",Example: class size 30 people,The number of people with 100 points is calculated as 1.5,Can be entered as 2,The number of people with 99 points is calculated as 1.5,Should be rounded to 1,And so on。

Each class is not allowed to deliberately lower the German, American, and labor quality scores of students who have no hope of receiving scholarships,Contrary to the German and American labor quality scoring principles。We hope that all classes will be graded based on the principle of fairness and justice。If such a class is found,The quality score (after weighting) seabet mobile of the class’s art workers will seabet online sports betting be reduced by 0.5 points,Each member of the evaluation team will be reduced by 1 point。

Counselors have the right to adjust students’ German, American and Labor quality scores within the range of 20% according to the situation,The class instructor has the right to adjust the student’s German, American and Labor quality score within 10% according to the situation。

5. Intellectual education quality sub-evaluation

Intellectual education quality scores (excluding physical education scores) are automatically generated by the undergraduate college’s academic affairs management system,Results are subject to the notification time from the Undergraduate School (Academic Affairs Office)。

6. Physical quality sub-assessment

The assessment team is under the guidance of the counselor,Based on the "Reference Instructions for the Evaluation of Physical Quality of Undergraduates of Central South University" (Appendix 2),Basic points are based on physical education course results,Comprehensive physical examination and extracurricular physical exercise,Evaluate the physical quality score of each student。

Each class requires separate score segments,Do not concentrate scores into a certain score range。Now the number of people in each segment is stipulated,Every class please implement it strictly。According to proportion requirements,The number of people in each class with corresponding points is calculated based on the class size,All rounding principles are used,And only take integer points。



Interval ratio
















Note: "passed"、"Fail" grades are not divided into interval proportions,Those whose physical education course scores are less than 60 points、Failed the physical test、Those who retake the course should be given “failure”。

Each class is not allowed to deliberately lower the physical quality scores of students who have no hope of receiving scholarships,Contrary to the principles of sports quality scoring。We hope that all classes will be graded based on the principle of fairness and justice。If such a class is found,Then the physical quality score (after weighting) of each person in the class will seabet online sports betting be reduced by 0.5 points,Each member of the evaluation team will be reduced by 1 point。

7. Comprehensive quality bonus and subtraction points

Excellent contribution points for comprehensive quality points、Advanced model bonus points and student cadre social work bonus points。Students who meet the conditions for extra points must provide the original certificate or supporting materials to the assessment team,Additional points for similar projects are calculated based on the highest score,No repeated accumulation。The total bonus points for comprehensive quality are capped at 3 points。

(1) Bonus points for outstanding contributions

1.Technology、Academic、Culture、Sports、Extra points for art and other competitions

Technology、Academic、Culture、Sports、Additional points and guidance points for art and other competitions

Ranking level

Top three or first prize

Top six or second and third prizes

National level



Ministry, province and municipal level



School level



Hospital level




a. Half the points for the collective project and extra points;

b. Get the highest score in the same competition, no points will be added repeatedly;

c.Discipline competition includes electronic design competition、Digital Analog Competition、Software Innovation Competition、Service Outsourcing Competition、Programming Competition、Challenge Cup、Smart Car Competition、Robot Contest、Intelligent Design Competition、Information Security Competition and National College English Contest and other events。The organizer must be a government department at all levels (including the Education Steering Committee),No points will be awarded for competitions organized by enterprises only;

2. Social practice project establishment

Additional points guidance points for social practice projects

Ranking level

Extra points

National level


Ministry, province and municipal level


School level


Hospital level



a.The bonus points for collective projects are converted according to weight,The weight coefficient of the project leader is 1、The weight coefficients of other members are all 0.6;

b. Get the highest score for the same item, no points will be added twice;

3.Publish high-level academic papers and academic works during the academic year,Verified by the evaluation team to be true,By school level、Provincial level、Provincial Key、National level、National key points、International level plus 1.0、1.1、1.2、1.3、1.4、1.5 points,The top 3 weight coefficients ranked by author are 1、0.6、0.4,The weight coefficients for the 4th and subsequent places are all 0.2。The cumulative bonus points for the paper shall not exceed 2.0 points。

Academic Journal Level

First author

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Third author

Fourth author and beyond

Retrieved by SCI/EI





Published on CSCD





4.The innovation and seabet sports betting entrepreneurship project has been completed (such as project approval in 2023,Completed in 2024)

National level (provincial level) and school level add up to 1、0.8 points,The weight coefficient of the project leader and the first two members of the team is 1、0.6,Other weight coefficients are 0.2。

5.Obtained national patent authorization within the academic year,Verified by the evaluation team to be true,Obtained software copyright、Maximum bonus for each item authorized for utility model patent is 0.5 points,Invention and creation patent authorization can add up to 1 for each item.5 points,The top 3 weight coefficients ranked by author are 1、0.6、0.4,The weight coefficients for the 4th and subsequent places are all 0.2。

(2) Extra points for advanced typical categories

1.Being brave when it comes to justice、Public-minded、No money lost、Those who have outstanding deeds in filial piety, love for relatives, etc. and have publicized and reported them in schools or above,By school level、Provincial level、National reports plus 0.2、0.6、1.0 points。

2.Advanced collective category bonus points: the same type of collective projects will only add the highest score once,No bonus points accumulated。An additional 0 will be added to the collective pacesetters of the advanced class at the corresponding level.05。


Advanced class collective

Civilized dormitory

Excellent Youth League Branch

Best Class

Best Bedroom

Provincial level and above






School level






Hospital level






(3) Bonus points for social work for student cadres

Extra points for social work for student cadres are determined based on the position category and academic year appointment assessment results,The bonus points cannot exceed the corresponding points listed in the table below。The academic performance assessment of all student leaders is organized by the college。School-level Youth League Committee、The assessment of student cadres in organizations such as student unions consists of two parts,College assessment accounts for 20%,College assessment accounts for 20%。Assessment of cadres of the same category in each secondary collegeExcellence rate controlled within 20%。Student leaders whose term is less than one academic year,Additional points as appropriate based on tenure and work performance。Student cadres whose dereliction of duty and dereliction of duty have caused adverse consequences,The assessment is determined to be unqualified。

Student cadre position category and academic year tenure assessment bonus points guidance maximum score

Job Category

Assessment results





(1) Principal and deputy positions in the school league organization、House Youth League Committee、Director and deputy positions of the student union、President、Monitor、Party branch secretary、Secretary of the Youth League branch





(2) Director (minister) of the school league organization and deputy positions、House Youth League Committee、Minister of Student Union





(3) School League Student Organization Officer、House Youth League Committee、Student Union Officer、Class cadre





(4) Dormitory director and other student leaders





Note: The assessment scope of the school league organization: the organization department under the school league committee、Propaganda Department、Network Information Department、Social Practice Department、Societies Department、Research Center、Cultural Quality Center、On-the-job student cadres in the Volunteer Service Guidance Center and other departments;School Student Union、Graduate Student Union、School Youth Association、School Student Science Association、On-the-job student cadres of student organizations such as the school student art troupe;Officially registered student leaders of student associations。Student cadres of the College Student Peer Psychological Mutual Aid Association refer seabet sports betting to the school’s Youth League organization。This part of the score is combined with the recommendations of relevant departments,seabet mobile Not more than 1 point after conversion。

1. Party branch cadres:

The deputy secretary of the branch can add up to 1.5 points,Conduct assessment according to Category 1;The highest branch committee plus 1.0 points,Conduct assessment according to Category 2。

Extra points for party branch cadres under the guidance of the party branch secretary,Given by the Party Branch Committee,Relevant materials need to be certified by the party committee。

2.Sub Youth League Committee、Student Union、College Student Science and Technology Association、Information Promotion Center、Academic Development and Service Center、cadres of hospital-level organizations such as the Heart Aid Association:

The presidium adds up to 1.5 points,Conduct assessment according to Category 1;Minister、Deputy Minister (Director) can add up to 1.0 points,Conduct assessment according to Category 2;The maximum bonus for officers is 0.6 points,Conduct assessment according to category three。

Additional points for hospital-level organizational cadres under the guidance of the branch secretary of the Youth League Committee,Extra points for the presidium are given by the teacher in charge,Minister、Extra points for deputy ministers are given by the presidium,Extra points for officers are given by the minister、Given by the deputy minister,Finally decided by the branch secretary of the Youth League Committee、Reviewed and approved by the supervisor,Relevant materials need to be certified by the Youth League Committee。

3. Grade meeting cadres:

Other cadres can add up to 1.5 points,Conduct assessment according to Category 1,Other cadres can add up to 1.2 points,Conduct assessment according to Category 1。

Grade meeting cadres get extra points under the guidance of grade counselors,Given by counselor and monitor,Relevant materials need to be certified by the counselor。

4. Class and Youth League branch cadres:

Monitor、The league secretary can add up to 1.5 points,Conduct assessment according to Category 1;The maximum bonus for class cadres is 0.6 points,Conduct assessment according to category three;The dormitory manager can add up to 0.3 points,Conduct assessment according to Category 4;

Class、Extra points for Youth League branch cadres under the guidance of grade counselors,Monitor、The league secretary will get extra points from the counselor、Class tutor、Given by the grade meeting and the corresponding student organization,Class cadre、The dormitory manager is evaluated by the class evaluation team、Given by the grade meeting and the corresponding student organization,Finally by counselor、Reviewed and approved by class instructor,Relevant materials need to be certified by the counselor。

The bonus points for social work for student cadres are given within the one-year bonus period,Half-year reduction for half-year student cadres,For those with outstanding work performance, extra points may be given as appropriate if they break through the range。

Note: Approximately half bonus points will be given to those in the following special circumstances: those who have served for half a year or less than one year and have outstanding performance;No bonus points will be given for the following situations: those who have served for less than half a year or those who have served for more than half a year but have poor performance and failed the assessment、Requested to leave by the organization or withdraw from the organizer privately;Those who have caused serious impact on the organization during their tenure,Those who violate laws and disciplines and are punished will have points deducted depending on the situation。For those who have been dismissed or quit without consent,Score as zero,And those who cause serious impact will be punished and points will be deducted。For those with outstanding work performance, extra points may be awarded if they break through the range。Extra points for student cadres are not accumulated, and the highest score is taken.

(4) Other bonus points

1. Bonus points for etiquette and artistic performances

Add 0 per person each time.03 points,Proof required。(The total number does seabet mobile not exceed 0.3 points)

2.Bonus points for press releases (each article) (the total number shall seabet mobile not exceed 0.3 points)

Social website/news: Xiaoxiang Morning News, etc. 0.2 points;

School website: Central seabet sports betting South University homepage0.1 point,Central South University News Network、School newspaper 0.08 minutes;

Other websites: Chuangye.com、Shenghua.com、Study and Engineering Network、YanGong.com 0.06 points;

College website: School of Computer Science, Central South University website 0.04 points;

Member of the Information Publicity Center and the College Organization and Publicity Department,No points for the first 3 articles,For more than 3 articles, the bonus points will be halved,No points will be awarded for paid manuscripts。

The bonus points for the seabet app download Second author of the manuscript are 50% of those for the first author,The photography bonus for the manuscript is 50% of the bonus points for the first author of the manuscript,Submit the same manuscript to multiple websites to get the highest score。

For additional points for press releases, students must provide original certificates or supporting materials,Finally reviewed by the Information Publicity Center。

3.New media platform promotion (each article) bonus points (the total number shall seabet mobile not exceed 0.3 points)

Add 0 for each original promotional copy with positive energy related to the college.05 points (more than 300 reads),Half bonus points for forwarded (non-original) promotional copy that meets bonus point conditions。For posters published and signed on the college’s official account、Video producer,Add 0 for each poster.02 points,Add 0 to each video.05 points,Members of the Information Publicity Center and the College Organization and Publicity Department will not receive points for the first three drafts。

New media department staff,No points for the first 3 articles,For more than 3 articles, the bonus points will be halved。

For extra points for new media platform promotion, students must provide relevant original certificates or supporting materials,Finally reviewed and approved by the Information Publicity Center。

4.CCF-CSP certification bonus points

Participate in CCF-CSP certification within this school year,If the score is above 150 points, you will get 0.5 points extra,Earn 0 if you score more than 200 points.6 extra points,Take the certification exam multiple times without repeating points。

(5) Point deduction items:

1.Class、Absent from political studies and group activities,Every time -0.5 points;

2.Accepted by school、College (grade) notification and criticism,-1 point each time;

3. Violate the school’s “Ten Rules of Civilization”, -0.5 points each time;

4.Student cadres failed to report and handle abnormal situations in their class or dormitory in a timely manner (such as students in this class not returning home at night、Renting a house without permission、Leaving school without permission、Psychological abnormality、Collective violation of discipline, etc.),Decided by the grade counselor to give primary responsibility to student leaders each time -0.5 points,The dormitory manager-0 every time.25 points。

(6) No extra points

1. Passed CET-4 and CET-6, excellent;

2. Computer level two and level three passed, excellent;

3. Free blood donation and volunteer service;

4.Members of various functional departments of the work-study center、Student assistants and other cadres paid work-study wages by the school;

5.Advanced individual in military training、Advanced Work-Study Individual、Excellent team leader、Outstanding Student Cadres、Excellent member、Excellent students、Outstanding student union cadres and other personal honorary titles。

8. Precautions

1.Comprehensive assessment involves the vital interests of students,The evaluation team must uphold the principle of fairness and impartiality,No malpractice for personal gain,If found and found to be true, it will be dealt with seriously。

2.To ensure that the evaluation process is fair and just,Other students are not allowed to ask the members of the assessment team during the assessment、seabet online sports betting Inquire about the situation,Members of the assessment team are not allowed to announce matters related to the assessment to their classmates。

seabet app download 3.Under evaluation,No one may interfere or obstruct the work of the evaluation team,If you have any opinions, you can report them to the Student Affairs Office during the public announcement period,But it is necessary to ensure that the problem is reflected truly and reasonably,No making trouble without reason。

4.After the evaluation results are announced,Students need to pay attention in time,If you have any questions, please report them in time,No more applications will be accepted after the public notice period。

5.If these rules conflict with the relevant provisions in the "Student Handbook",Subject to student handbook。

6.This method is explained by the Student Affairs Office of the School of Computer Science。

School of Computer Science, Central South University

July 15, 2024

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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