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Undergraduate Education

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Source: Click: Time: October 08, 2019 08:56

In order to implement the requirements of the series of documents "Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education on Implementing the "Double Thousand Plan" for the Construction of First-Class Undergraduate Majors",Promote the construction seabet sports betting of new engineering disciplines,Meet the training needs seabet online sports betting of software engineering professionals in colleges and universities,The Software Engineering Major Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education held a working meeting of the teaching material group at Central South University on October 7, 2019。

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Professor Luo Zhongxuan, Assistant to the President of Dalian University of Technology、Professor Li Tong, Deputy Secretary of Yunnan Agricultural University、Professor Wu Zhonghai, Dean of the School of Software and Microelectronics, Peking University、Professor Chen Zhigang, Secretary of the School of Computer Science, Central South University、Professor Wu Qing, Vice President of Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology、Professor Wen seabet app download Tao, President of Dalian Neusoft seabet online sports betting Institute of Information、Professor Liao Minghong, Dean of the School of Software, Xiamen University、Professor Zhao Wenyun of Fudan University、Professor Zhang Yan, Vice President of Jinling University of Science and Technology、Professor Lu Xiaocheng, Vice President of Hubei University of Economics、Professor Geng Guohua of Northwest University、Professor Shi Xiaoqiu of Wenzhou University、Professor Zhou Qingping, Dean of the School of Software, Jishou University、Relevant teachers from other universities and publishing houses attended the meeting。

The working meeting of the teaching material group was chaired by Professor Chen Zhigang,Professor Luo Jongxuan first introduced the overall work goals seabet sports betting to cooperate with the Double Thousand Plan,Professor seabet casino review Wu Zhonghai gave a report titled "Software Engineering Professional Standards and Knowledge System"。Combining the Double Thousand Plan and the software engineering knowledge system,The participants reviewed and discussed the work plan and related materials drafted by Professor Luo Bin。Professor Li Tong and Professor Liao Minghong respectively made suggestions on how the teaching materials can highlight the characteristics of the software engineering profession。Professor Wu Qing emphasized the role of classic textbooks and the trend of three-dimensional teaching materials。Professor Shi Xiaoqiu and Professor Wen Tao put forward suggestions on how to combine the seabet mobile knowledge system to improve the work goals and working seabet online sports betting ideas of the teaching material group。Professor Zhang Yan and Professor Lu Xiaocheng expressed their opinions on how to highlight the characteristics of local application-oriented undergraduates。Professor Geng Guohua emphasized the leading role of planning teaching materials。Professor Zhou Qingping emphasized the role of practical textbooks in software engineering teaching。

The meeting clarified the important role of teaching materials in talent training,And improve the top-level design based on software engineering professional standards and knowledge systems,Clearly define the positioning of teaching materials for central universities and local universities,The next work plan was reached based on planning seabet online sports betting teaching materials to promote the training and construction seabet online sports betting of software engineering talents。

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